Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God. And everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too. (1 John 5:1 NLT)

Sometimes reading God's word can be a little confusing to the average reader because God only gave a partial understanding to it's meaning.  However, there are other times when it is crystal clear with no measure of doubt.  This is one of of those scriptures that basically says, "If you love God - the fruit of that love will be that you love His children." Ouch!  This is not a suggestion but this is a direct command that carries the blessing of our Heavenly Father with it.  Throughout 1st John we are told over and over that we are to 1- Love God, 2- Love people, 3- especially other believers.  Many years ago (did I just say that?) I was feeling the call and tug into full time ministry.  As I was going to Bible College and training and being equipped to pastor I felt a prophetic voice rise up within me about the direction and focus of my ministry that "If I didn't do anything else right - that I needed to make sure that I didn't fail in this one area - to always love people."  It didn't matter where God placed me on this earth - I was to "love well."  It has been the mantra that I have lived my life by.  I've always used that as a measuring stick of whether I was being successful in ministry or not.  It mattered little about buildings and programs but it mattered a lot of whether I was fulfilling God's assignment in my life to love people and accept them just as they are.  To be honest - at times it has been harder then others but to this day I always try to love each and every person that comes my way as someone who is valuable to God and His kingdom.  There were times when I felt like I was being tested in this area and there were times that I did fail. But... there were a lot of times that I walked away feeling that peace in my heart because I just loved on one of God's kids and that He was smiling above.  I don't want to be known for having the largest church or the best programs in the community but I do want to be known as a man who "loved well" and loved the way that God would love.  In doing that I will always feel successful and in the center of God's will.

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