Thursday, January 21, 2016


Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And behold, the LORD stood above it and said: “I am the LORD God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants. Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth; you shall spread abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.”” ‭Genesis‬ ‭28:12-15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

I’m a dreamer. At nighttime, when I sleep, I have vivid full color dreams.  Often, these dreams become a vehicle that God uses to speak to my heart about life decisions and plans for the future.

So, when I read about Jacob’s dream of a ladder reaching up into the heavens and what was said to him - I get it.

Let me bring you up to speed a little.

His father Abraham received 2 promises in life - 1- You will be the Father of many nations and 2- That God would give him this land.

Abraham, like many of us, struggled to do things God’s way.  Instead of trusting God to fulfill His promise through Sarah his wife to bring children into their life - he has relations with Hagar (his wife’s handmaid) and she births Ishmael.

Finally, Abraham and Sarah have Isaac - the promised son.  Isaac marries Rebekah and they have twins: Esau and Jacob.

Esau is a man of the earth, a man’s man.  He’s daddy’s favorite, a sportsman, and an outdoorsman.

Jacob is a little “different.”  He’s mom’s favorite, likes to hang out in the kitchen and always a trickster.

When he was born - he came out grabbing the heel of his brother.

He steals his brother's birthright and follows his mother’s instructions to trick his father out of the family blessing - which didn’t sit well with Esau.

When daddy Abraham passes away - mommy Sarah is afraid for her son Jacob that Esau will extract revenge.  To protect him, Shen sends him away to find a wife in her homeland.

I’m sure Jacob was dealing with some fear and was afraid for his own life from Esau as he set out for Haran.

That’s when God showed up and gave him a dream.

Jacob is alone.  No one is with him.  There are no family members, servants, etc.

He is on the run from his blemished past and his broken relationships.  His brother wanted him dead. It must have been a frightful feeling out in the desert, alone at night.

How ironic – he’s grabbed the firstborn’s inheritance and the family blessing – but he can’t go home to claim it or fulfill it.

He stops for the night, and the only comfort he can find is a rock for a pillow. The rock is a fitting pillow isn’t it? Because on this journey he’s not finding any comfort at all.

Jacob is out in the middle of nowhere, unsure of how anything he’s ever wanted to come true in his future will ever happen. He’s had all these dreams and passions, all this ambition and zeal – and now, he’s on the run with only his questions, his worries, his doubt and his despair to comfort him.

Have you ever been there? Been that alone? Been that unsure of the future? That embarrassed with your past? No one understands, no one’s been this way before? He’s out in the middle of nowhere – no motel 6, no traveling companions, no XM Radio.

He lays down his head, closes his eyes, and as best as we can tell, God speaks to him for the first time in his life.  Genesis 28:12-15.

God speaks to him that He still has promises to fulfill through Jacob and that He would protect Him.

The question for all of us is not where have you been but it’s where are you going – and who is going with you?

In my own dreams about life - God has promised me many “BIG” things that often seem overwhelming at time.  But this I know, God has promised to go with me - always.

Periodically, God shows up to remind me that He’s not done with me and His promise of protection is still in tack.  It is very comforting.

God reminds me… “Stay committed Bill as I’m not done with you.  I’m not stopping until we get this done.  I’m not giving up on you, regardless of what obstacles are in the way.  I’m not looking for someone else to fulfill this dream in your life. We’re going across the finish line together.”

Jacob’s response? He is made aware of God’s presence. “Surely God is in this place.“

It’s amazing how your perspective changes when you suddenly realize that God is still in the house.

Jacob was struck by awe of God’s presence.  Awe can be a powerful moment of change in our lives. Awe reveals to us that we are not the shiniest thing in God’s creation – nor are we even in the same league.

Albert Einstein once said, “He who can no longer pause to wonder, is as good as dead.”

Awe has a power to remind us of our own place in the grand order of things. Suddenly, all our accomplishments, all our talents, all our shiny medals, all our adoring fans no longer have the same sway on us they once had.

  • Being struck by the awesomeness of God reorders our priorities.
  • Being struck by the awesomeness of God reopens our hearts
  • Being struck by the awesomeness of God recommits our souls

Perhaps you are wondering whether God is really with you and whether are really cut out for the assignment given to you.  You might be wondering - “Is God really with me in this.”  Like Jacob who found God in a dark and foreboding place - His presence can also overwhelm and remind you “I am with you and will never leave or forsake you - ever!”  His promise of protection and peace is still for all of us in every situation you face right now.

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