Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Just Like Dad

Luke 12:32 NLT - "So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.

Unlike a lot of people, I have been given the blessing of having godly examples in my life – especially in my Father and in both of my grandfathers. They, each in their own way, gave themselves to ministering to their families and passing on the gems of wisdom to each of their children and grandchildren. It could have been the simple task of how to use a screw driver or how to plant a garden or the more difficult task of how to live your life for God and how to walk with integrity in this world. Most of all, they taught me how to minister to my kids and now my own grand kids. My dad and my now deceased grandfathers modeled giving in my life. They lived out the generous life. If there was a need – they would all do anything they could to help others out. It seems, that there was always room at our table for one more. It is with lessons like these and the examples given to us by our Heavenly Father through scripture that I am now able to lead my family and now my congregation. To many, I am the only dad that they've ever had. People look up to me now for help and wisdom and strength. It's a great responsibility but one I accept because I've been trained well. The way that God and my dad and grandfathers have led me are now ingrained in my life and I am so blessed with the opportunity to make a difference on this earth and in the High Desert. It is such a joy to serve each and every person that God puts in my life.

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