Thursday, November 7, 2013


But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace... (Ephesians 2:13, 14 ESV)

When I took Life Guard Training in High School we were taught one major principle about life saving techniques - you can't help some who is fighting you in the water.  Somehow you've got to get them to trust you and let you do your job and sometimes this had to be done by force in order to bring the help that they needed. 

There was a time when we were all at war with God.  It was a time that we walked in rebellion and against His teachings and plans for our lives.  It was a time when we lived for ourselves and did our own thing - only to find out that we can't fight God over this and be happy. 

Like Jonah of the Old Testament - we have all run in the opposite direction so that we wouldn't have to deal with hearing God challenge our hearts to walk in His ways.  I could give you testimony after testimony of those who finally stopped fighting and arguing with God and surrendered fully to Him.  Each and everyone will tell you this - the peace the comes at that point is unbeliable and undescribable.   It floods your soul and settles your spirit.  

May I encourage you to take and heed this message today?  If you are running from the voice and call of God - stop fighting Him.  God knows what is best for you and what is the place where you will experience the most peace in your life.  He knows what your heart and desire need in right now.  Stop arguing and arm wrestling Him because you will never win.  No matter how big or subtle your battle might be - stop it.  Let God take control and be the master of your life and destiny.  

As I write this, I'm reminded of a story that my mom tells of my grandfather and grandmother arguing while they were driving somewhere (my mom and her brother were in the back seat).  They were driving an older car that wasn't put together like the cars of today.  As they were turning a corner - the steering wheel just came off in my Grandfather's hands and they drove off into a corn field.  My grandfather simply turned to my grandmother and said, "Here - you drive" and handed her the steering wheel.  My mom says that after a short silence - everyone started laughing.

This is exactly what we should be doing in our lives - give the wheel to God and let Him drive and we become the passengers just going along for the ride.

That's something to think about!

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