Tuesday, November 5, 2013


For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10 ESV)

As you might know, my daughter's family lives with us right now so our house is a beehive of activity all the time.  I have an 8 year old grandson who is using a lot of  his spare time to create and build things from Lego's (tiny pieces) to paper airplanes to whatever his mind creates.  He has a book that tells you how to design the coolest airplanes out of just a plain piece of paper which he has mastered and has even built some of his own concoctions.  To spice things up, last week, his father went with him to the hobby store and brought back two model planes for them to put together.  It was fun to watch them work and build to bring this raw creation to life.  They took the first plane out of the box and looked at all the parts, separated them, filed off rough edges and began to assemble it to the specifications of the box with all the decals, etc.  When they were done they had this beautiful airplane that was the product of their work together.  It sits where we can all see it and my grandson can show us the work that he and his dad did together.

When you were created - it took the work of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  Together they collaberated and created a "workmanship" that is unique in such a way that there is no other person with your fingerprint or your DNA in the whole world.  Just as there are no two snowflakes that are alike - it is true that there is no one else exactly like you.  You are unique and different from everyone else in all of creation.  In fact, the Greek definition of "workmanship" gives us more meaning to this word by defining it as "a poem."  We are God's poem today.  We are His masterpiece today.

I know that it is easy to get down on yourself and to feel like every thing around you is a mess and a failure but you must look at what God says about you - that He has a plan and a purpose for you (Jeremiah 29:9).  You must remember that it is He who created you and it is He who can fix you.  You were created for "good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Don't sell yourself short today about God's plan for your life.  Don't allow the enemy to steal from you God's dream and design for your life.  You have been designed by God and there is no detail of your life that He doesn't see.  May I encourage you today to stop and remind yourself that you are important to God and that he has not forgotten you.  He cares about every need that you have and so wants to be part of your day today.  Trust Him to lead you and trust Him to reveal His perfect will for your life so you can serve Him in a new and fresh way that will bring glory to His name!  Say with me right now, "I was created by God and I am special to Him today.  He has not forgotten me and He wants to lead me and bless my ways in all I do and say.  I'm going to trust Him fully.  Amen!"

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