Monday, November 4, 2013


For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8, 9 ESV)

John 8 records a story about a woman who is caught in adultery and is now standing before her accusers.  Imagine the shame that she must have felt to be dragged by these religious leaders in front of Jesus and having all her ugly sins exposed.  According to the law she should have been stoned.  As Jesus was hearing this He bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger and eventually says, "Let him among you who has not sinned throw the first stone."  Slowly, one by one, each of the religious leaders left the woman's presence because each of them were guilty of sin in their own lives.  Jesus, upon seeing this, looks at the woman who is standing before Him alone and says, "Is there no one who condemns you?  Then, neither do I - go and sin no more."

What a story of grace.  This woman didn't deserve His forgiveness but received it any way.  She received a gift that only God can give to any person.

But this is not just her story - it is all of our stories.  It might or might not be the sin of adultery but it could be any sin that you have carried in your life - some of which might be secrets you've carried for years and years.  It is a sin that is shameful and dirty to you and in reality is holding you back from a real freedom in Christ.

Imagine that it is you who has been pulled before the religious leaders pointing all your ugly sins and secrets out before Christ.  Imagine the shame and humiliation you must feel at that time.  (By the way - this is exactly what Satan does every day in regards to your life - he bring accusation daily to your life of your past).  Imagine in that moment that you feel your failure again and again when all of a sudden Jesus stands up and says, "Is there no one who condemns you?  Then, neither do I - go and sin no more."

Oh the liberty and the freedom to experience God's grace when we need it most.  We didn't deserve it.  We can't work for it.  We can do nothing but receive it.  

It is that grace that is available to you today.  Is that grace that you can receive freely in your life.  You don't have to live with your secrets any more and you don't have to carry the burden of sin over your life.  You are free - totally free.  Now go and "sin no more."

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