Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Are You A FLOURISHING Christian?

“But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the LORD’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, “The LORD is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!”” Psalms 92:12-15 NLT

I’ve had different seasons in my life as a Christian.  There have been times that I’ve really flourished and grown and then there are times that I seem to just be barely making it.  Quite frankly, I enjoy the flourishing times much better.  Not to discount the lessons learned in the difficult season but the season of growth is really enjoyable.

But through it all we keep growing - just like a cedar tree.  Even in the hard times the cedar tree grows.

The cedar is mentioned in 65 places in the Bible and “cedar tree” is found in 6 places. The word cedar means strong and firmly rooted tree.

They often grow to 40 feet in circumference. The psalmist says that we who are righteous will grow in an incredible fashion.

Please notice four things about cedar trees.

1. They Grow DOWNWARD 
As it grows - it sends its roots deep, seeking hidden springs and wraps around rocks for anchorage.

It’s roots wrap around other cedar trees to form an allegiance of unity to withstand the elements.

“They (Israel) … are like tall trees planted by the LORD, like cedars beside the waters.”
Numbers 24:6

Paul urged the Ephesians to be “rooted and grounded in love.”

E Stanley Jones: “Before we can go farther, we must go deeper.”

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:7 NLT
Three uses of a root:

A.            It is necessary for the life of a plant. We are not really alive until we are united to Christ.
B.            It carries nourishment to the plant...we need nourishment from Jesus to grow and endure.
C.           It keeps the plant in its place.

2. The Cedar Grows UPWARD

It has been documented that a cedar tree can grow to a height of 120 to 150 feet!

Is your faith growing upward?  Is it getting taller?

I like what J.G. Holland says: “God, give us men, tall, sun-crowned, who live above the fog.”

Smith Wigglesworth used to say, "I might be 5'2" on the outside but I'm 10' tall on the inside.

3. Cedars Grow OUTWARD 

As a rule, the cedar branches starts about 9 or 10 feet from the ground, the branches grow out horizontally and become very wide-spreading.

Should not our lives reach out like branches to touch the needs of others?

The cedar tree also creates cones: In the 1st year they are small and pale green.  In the  2nd year they are browner and about 3" across. In the 3rd year they are dark brown and open up to
release seeds.

It’s interesting in that these seeds do not emit like they really should until they are placed into
intense heat like a forest fire.  It’s during those times that they shoot forth and spread their seed in many directions.

Isn’t that what we are to do with our lives - grow stronger and taller and then become seed to other’s that are around us.

As the cedar tree grows - their branches provide shelter and shade from the elements.

They possess a certain beauty that is unmatched as they stand majestically against the sky.

I love the last phrase of this passage: “Even in old age they still produce fruit.”  Just because a cedar tree is hundred’s of years old - it still produces fruit.  

The older you get the more fruit you should be producing.  You’ve withstood storms and fires and you’re still flourishing and producing seed.  The down’s of life don’t hold you down because you still growing and becoming like a cedar tree that can’t be brought down.

4. Cedars Grow ONWARD   

Cedar trees are noted for their longevity. There are some today over 2,000 years old.

The cedar is a perennial evergreen. As a Christian, we should always be “instant in season and out of season.”

It has remarkable lasting qualities. It last for a long time as building material.

Like a cedar, be those who grow downward and draw nourishment from Christ.

So, as a cedar tree that is flourishing…

Grow downward and allow your roots to grow deep.

Grow upward as you keep your spiritual eyes on eternity.

Grow outward as you seek to touch others with your faith

Grow onward with the lasting qualities of Christ.

I pray that you would continue to flourish in your Christian walk and that you would become stronger and stronger each and every day.

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