Saturday, December 28, 2013


A hero is any person who is admired for qualites or achievements and regarded as an ideal or role model.  Over the next few days I would like to look into the lives of some Old Testament and New Tetament saints and how they make an impact in our lives today.


Today we're going to look at a young man named Joseph.  He was Abraham's great grandson; the youngest son of Jacob - who was later renamed Israel.  You can read about Joseph's story in Genesis 37-50.  In these chapters you will read about the many challenges Joseph faced for his dreams to come true. (This is a little long but I think worth the review).

Joseph is the youngest of twelve sons to Jacob.  His father favors him over all the brothers and went so far as to make him a special robe of many colors.  His brothers despise Joseph and are jealous of him.  

When Joseph was 17 years old, he had two dreams that further ticked off his brothers (Genesis 37:6-10).  Because of their jealousy, they plotted to kill him.  Instead of killing him, they sold him into slavery to a caravan going to Egypt and lied to their father about what they did. 

The caravan sold Joseph to a rich guy in Egypt name Potiphar. God blessed Joseph and gave him favor with Potiphar.  Before long Joseph was in charge of Potiphar’s estate. 

Now, Joseph was a good looking young man and Potiphar’s wife got the hots for him.  She offered him sex daily.  Joseph refused because he didn’t want to dishonor his boss or God.  

One day she cornered him and came on really heavy.  Joseph ran out of the house and out of his clothes to get away from her. (Gensis 39:11-12). Potipher’s wife felt rejected and to get back at Joseph she accused him of rape.  Potiphar had Joseph thrown in prison.  

God gave Joseph favor again and soon, Joseph was running the prison. 39:21-2. The king’s cupbearer and baker were also thrown into prison.  They each had a dream they did not understand so Joseph interpreted them for them.  He told the baker that Pharaoh was going to have him killed in three days; he told the cupbearer that in three days Pharaoh would restore him to his position.  It all happened just as Joseph said.  Joseph asked the cupbearer to remember him when he is free and to let him out of prison.  But he forgot about him. (Genesis 40:21-23).

Fast forward two years.  Pharaoh had a dream no one could interpret.  The cupbearer remembered there was a guy named Joseph who interpreted dreams.  Joseph is released and brought in to see Pharaoh.  Joseph interpreted the dream telling Pharaoh that there will be seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine.  (Genesis 41:28-30).

So Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of all the food in Egypt.  During the time of abundance he stored the food in preparation for the famine. When the famine hit, everyone in the whole region had to come to Joseph for food.  Including, guess who?  That’s right.  Joseph’s brothers had to come all the way from Canaan to Egypt to buy food.  They arrive and bow down to him – not realizing who it is. When the famine hit, everyone in the whole region had to come to Joseph for food.  Including, guess who?  That’s right.  Joseph’s brothers had to come all the way from Canaan to Egypt to buy food.  They arrive and bow down to him – not realizing who it is.

Joseph eventually revealed his identity to his family, they cry and are reconciled.  All of Israel’s family moved to Egypt to survive the famine.  Joseph’ brothers felt awful about what they did.  But what they intended for evil, God used for good.  (Geesis 50:18-20)

Joseph was seventeen when he had his first dream; he was thirty-nine when it finally came true. How many of you have a dream of a career or job that you want to achieve?  What about dreams about school or athletics?  I think it is normal for you to have dreams for your life.  I think many times God is the one who gives them to us. 


1. Don’t be surprised when people close to you do not believe in your dream.

After all, it’s your dream, not theirs.  They might not believe or support you because: They can’t see it; God didn’t show it to them.They are jealous. It doesn’t seem possible

2. Never give up on the dream no matter what happens to you.

Most of the success in your life is not based on what happens to you; rather on how you respond to what happens to you.  If your dream is from God, he will see it through. The realization of your dream might involve some pain.  Don’t become bitter, become better! If you’re faithfully serving the Lord, everything that happens in your life is God-filtered. Be patient when it doesn’t happen as fast you thought it would.  It doesn’t mean it wasn’t God, it just might not be the right time.     

3. Remember it is God who promotes

Through all the bad things that happened to Joseph, the Bible says over and over again that the Lord was with Joseph.  God gave him favor and promoted him. We must keep our hearts free from un-forgiveness and bitterness even when we are betrayed and done wrong knowing that God is in control and He is the one to give us favor and promote us.  

4. Others around you will benefit when your dream comes true.

Joseph’s family was saved because his dream came true.  God’s dream for your life will ultimately not be about you; it will be to glorify God and to benefit others.  

Whatever your dream is for your life, stay focused on it and trust God to order your steps and to cause your dreams to come true.  

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