Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I took my troubles to the Lord ; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer. (Psalms 120:1 NLT) In all my years of ministry I have never seen so many people with so many troubles. It could be financial, relational, spiritual, mental, and the list could go on and on. David didn't qualify this verse by saying that God only helped certain types of troubles but that He was available to answer the prayer for every trouble we might have. There are some who translate this word trouble with the word "distress." It's not just stress but "distress." People are troubled and distressed. As Christians we have the great privilege of taking our troubles to A God who hears and answers us. As Christians we can also point the way to others who are trying to find rest from their troubles also. If you are experiencing trouble today - call out to God and ask Him to help/ deliver you today. He so loves you and wants to bring you the things you need in your life. God is waiting to hear from you right now.

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