Friday, August 27, 2010

Trusting In God

Psalms 144:1-2 NLT - A psalm of David. Bless the LORD, who is my rock. He gives me strength for war and skill for battle. He is my loving ally and my fortress, my tower of safety, my deliverer. He stands before me as a shield, and I take refuge in him....

As a kid we lived in an area that was surrounded by mountains and we would often venture through the already blazed trails by generations before me. We would build forts with imaginary enemies or even have battles amongst ourselves. Some of those forts got quite elaborate as we would dig deep and cover them up with camouflage materials. We even brought supplies from home in case our imaginary enemies would bring an attack on us. During the spring time, as the grass around up began to grow, we would stockpile “grass-bombs” to throw out of the fort and eventually at one another. We we're my any moms nightmare coming home every night – with dirt on our faces and all over our clothes. But we had fun and it kept us busy after school and during the summer months. Life has changed. People have grown up. The battles are now real. The imaginary enemy has become real and the fall out and results have and can continue to take their toll. I'm not talking about the physical battle of war but the spiritual battle of the enemy that assaults us every day. Thankfully, our God teaches us about the warriors heart. He teaches and trains us how to deal with the enemies lies and attacks. He has prepared for us a fortress to retreat to when we need strength. He is shield and our rock to strengthen and protect us. Someone once told me about the journey of salmon up stream. As they move against the current they slowly make their way to a place of spawning for the next generation. If they stay in the current the whole time – they will tire out and die. In order to survive – they must do three things – 1 – rest behind a rock 2- swim deep 3- find a quiet pool. It is no different for us. When the battle comes – 1- Hide behind the rock of Christ. 2- Go deep into the things of God and 3- Find a quiet place and renew your heart. Your God so wants you to take refuge in Him today and He will bring deliverance your way - Just trust in Him.

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