Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Forgive Or Not!

John 20:23 NLT – If you forgive anyone's sins – they are forgiven. If you do not forgive their sins they are not forgiven.

This is a very troubling verse for a lot of people. If gives each of us more power then we know what to do. Does it mean I just stand up and wave my hand over the crowd and say “All your sins are forgiven.” I don't think so. You are not God and you didn't die on the cross. This verse is more about what isn't being said then what is being said. It pertains to the sins that people make against you personally. I have the power to release people from the wrongs that they have made against me. I have the power to release them from the guilt of their sin. I can help them in the healing process by letting them go free and not hold any bitterness or unforgiveness in my life. In fact, this verse has more to say about my own heart and my willingness to be free of any hardness of heart in my own life. As I exercise my own freedom in this area – it will bring freedom to those around me. If I forgive – they are forgiven. As long as I hold onto that grudge or hurt I am in essence causing them to have live out the pain of their wrongs everyday. I can release them or I can keep them in bondage to me. I choose to release them so I can be free myself.

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