Saturday, June 20, 2015


In public, my dad was one of the great pastors of his generation. He served as a pastor and speaker for over 60 years with my mom in four locations. They traveled to many countries to preach the gospel and he mentored many young leaders who continue to be in ministry today.

In private, he was the same man who lived his Christianity at home as well.  He had 3 kids (all who are in ministry today) and had 10 grandkids.  There are currently 16 great grand kids.

Some things about my dad:

1. He loved camping and fishing.  

Don't tell mom but he was known to come and pick me up at school and take me fishing because the fish were biting right then.  He loved the outdoors, whether it be camping or hiking or hunting.

2. He was a Bible man.

My dad was wholeheartedly devoted to Jesus. He dedicated his life to reading God's Word.  His Bible was tattered and used.  He knew the Word backwards and forwards.  In the waning part of his life I would often go into his office at his home and see the Bible open as his head bent forward taking a little nap.

3. He was a man of prayer.

It was not often that we didn't see him on his knees when we woke up in the morning in prayer.

Before he died he kept reading Philip Yancey's book on prayers.  I asked him how many times he had read it and he told me 13x's.  I asked him why so many and his answer was classic, "Because soon I will be going to heaven and I want to know my Savior better."

4. He was a man of faith.

He didn't have much growing up in the way of material things but he had a faith that could move mountains when there was a need.  People naturally followed behind him as presented vision for them to follow.

5. He loved my mom.

It was obvious.  Always.  I don't ever remember them screaming at one another or throwing each other out of the house.  They married for life and gave us a good example to follow.

6. He cheered me on.

He was always my biggest cheerleaders in life - cheering me on even when I couldn't see what was ahead of me. During his retiring years he sat on the front row at every service praying for me and encouraging me to push on. 

7. I had to learn to share him with others.

This wasn't a negative thing then nor is it now.  Many people called him dad because he was in the truest sense their dad also.  I have many brothers and sisters in life.

8.  He was funny.

Some of my gut wrenching fun times were with my dad.  He loved to tell a joke (even if he got it all messed up).  He loved practical jokes and he loved life.

9. He taught me the love of ministry.

When I was around 5 years old he bought me a little suit that I wore on Sundays because I wanted to be just like him.  As hard as ministry is at times - it has been the most rewarding of all the things I do.  My dad taught me to love people because God loves people.

10. He loved us when it wasn’t easy.

My brother and myself weren't always perfect.  We made life a little hard at times.  Yet, my dad and mom continued to love us even when we were being less than our best.  As preachers kids we lived our life in a fish bowl (which wasn't always easy).  My dad always made sure we knew that we were always loved.

11. He told me ministry isn’t everything.

Pastors often consume their lives with ministry and often forget their children.  My dad often told us to have a life outside of ministry.  One of his last words to us was "I wish I had gone to Disneyland more often."

A few years ago it became obvious that my dad's health was waning.  As family gathered around and said their goodbyes - it was one of the most powerful moving experiences of my life.  He was going in and out and telling us visions of heaven.  He made sure he had meaningful conversation with each of us.  We laughed.  We cried.  We shared.  

Eventually he breathed his last breath on earth and peacefully entered into heavens gates.

I know that I'm the man I am right now because of this man who loved me, my sister Carol and my brother Robert unconditionally.  I know for myself (and I speak for them) that we were the most blessed of all because we had him as our dad.  I look back with very fond memories and hope that I can attain to be that type of dad and grandpa to my own family.

Happy Father's Day!

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