Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud settled on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. (Exodus 40:34, 35 ESV)

I have over the past few days been fascinated and drawn to the many scriptures in the Bible about the presence of God.  I so want to be in "His presence" and to experience "His glory."  I wake up up at in the middle of the night and am drawn by the Holy Spirit to spend an intimate time with Him. I am hungry for more of God.  He is all I think about and He is all I want. During the day my mind is often taken to that place where I'm thinking about the presence of God in my life both now and over my lifespan.  I am truly overwhelmed.  I get tears just thinking about it.

So, what does it mean to experience God's glory?  When Moses tried to enter the tent and was not able to enter because of the glory - what does that mean?  How does that relate to me and how can I experience that in my life?

In the Old Testament, the most common word for glory is the Hebrew kabod, meaning “heavy in weight.” When you glorify someone, you recognize his importance, or the “weight,” of some desirable uniqueness he possesses. Beauty, majesty, and splendor are the main ideas the word seeks to convey.

It might be a person’s wealth (Solomon), or great strength (Samson), or authority and power (Nebuchadnezzar). The glory of someone or something is what sets it apart in a special and inimitable way, in the same way the glory of a Zebra is its stripes; the Cheetah’s, speed; or the peacock’s, plumage.

This insight helps us understand why the Ark of the Covenant falling into enemy hands meant Israel had lost part of her glory (1 Sam. 4:21)—that special possession that made her distinct from, and preeminent among, her neighbors.

“I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another . . . ” (Isa. 42:8)

This glory that the Lord speaks of to the prophet Isaiah refers to the beauty and magnificence of the person and being of God Himself. When the psalmists give glory to the Lord, they’re pointing out those attributes of His that exclusively give Him weight and importance in worship.

Basically, the word "glory" means that we would experience the "weight" of God in our lives - the character, the attritubes, the sum total of what God is.  To be filled with glory is to be filled with God Himself.  God is jealous over you and desires to be the only object of your affection today.  He will not tolerate any rivals.  When He is first and foremost in your life you are most at peace. When His presence fills your mind, heart and the totallity of your life you will have a sense of "alignment."

"I pray for you today that you would desire and seek for that "kabod" experience with God today.  I pray that you experience the presence / "weight" of the Holy Spirit over every aspect of your life.  May God give you a hunger for Him like never before. Come Lord Jesus, Come."

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