Tuesday, September 10, 2013

8 Ways To Get Along With Others

Acts 4:32 (NIV)  All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.

It's hard to look back at this scripture and realize exactly what was taking place in this Acts church setting.  Really?  They all had one heart and one mind and they shared everything together?  I've been a Christian for a long time and I've seen some amazing seasons and moves of God but it seems that the sin nature seems to keep creeping it's head to the surface and sabotaging this spirit.  I've seen moments in the church that rival this Acts church but doesn't sustain itself over time because of man's human nature. It is so important that we must keep revisiting the element that made this possible - the power of the Holy Spirit. Here are a few thoughts to help in the process.

1. I must daily do a "heart check" about my motives and even the motives of others. I have a tendency to point the fingers at others first rather than look at my own heart.  I blame them for the lack of unity and the lack of cooperation that they are not giving at the time.  The scriptures tell us over and over to "examine our hearts."  When we do this - the Holy Spirit will reveal what our heart really looks like.  

2. I must realize that earth is not heaven.  This is a big one as we must be reminded that earth is still not completely redeemed.  Unity and one accord are possible on earth but the fact remains - we are still living life on earth and that we are just passing through with our real home being heaven.  People will disappoint me and will disappoint them.  Yes, I can hope and pray that we would all live like heaven is to be but without the power of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis - this will never happen.

3. I must put aside my personal agenda. Last week, I met with a pastor and afterward he wrote me a "nice" email telling me of how insensitive I was and that I didn't really care.  What?  I'm giving up my time for him - "trying to help him" and all he could say was that I didn't care?  I called another pastor who was there to get his feedback and he simply said, "You talked more about yourself than asking about the needs of this pastor."  Ouch.  God help me in this area.

4. I must be willing for divine interruptions to take place.  Yes, I pray and plan my day but life happens not on my schedule or plans.  Oftentimes those are God-interruptions that God wants me to stop and give attention to  that will help everyone to "be of one heart and one mind."  This goes for my personal life and it goes for my work and ministry and family also.

5.  I must realize that I really don't own anything - it all belongs to God.  My human nature wants to yell out "It's mine - not yours."  This could be about finances, material goods, places that I've marked as my territory and even the ministry that God has given me.  Authority can be given by God but it also can be taken in return.  I don't own anything.  Ministry is NOT about me - it's about HIM.  

6. I must continue to walk life humbly.  Pride comes before the fall.  Pride seeks it's own good and it is consumed with only itself and what others can do for you.  God wants to use me - but I must remain humble - always.  God is always good and he "lifts up those of a humble heart."  It is when I keep others in view and not on my way of doing things and what I deserve that God can use me to minister peace to others.

7.  I must look at challenging situations and challenging people through God's eyes.  Often times I only see through my eyes.  I don't see the hurts and disappointments others have gone through.  It is very deep for many.  They walk with unanswered prayers and promises. They have learned to cope by just existing and saying only what will get them through life. They don't trust people. I must remember that I too have had challenges and that I have been a challenging person.  As I write that I'm saying "amen."  I must remember that I'm on a journey. The destination is important but what is most important is "who I'm becoming on this journey."  It's all about character.

8. I must always pray for the Holy Spirit.  The key to the whole experience of the Acts church was the power of the Holy Spirit.  Daily they went before God and asked to be refilled with His precious Holy Spirit.  And... we should do no less.  

I pray that we would all be consumed with living this passage out and that our church would be a place where God can dwell in this kingdom type spirit.

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