Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Because of the covenant I made with you, sealed with blood, I will free your prisoners from death in a waterless dungeon. Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.”Zechariah‬ ‭9:11-12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Israel was a mess.  Because of its rejection of God and their rebellion toward His ways, they were now trapped like prisoners in a waterless dungeon - a place of misery and bondage and hopelessness.

Yet, in the midst of their trouble God reminds them that He hasn't given up on them and there was a hope for the future - their future!

These verses promise them a victory both now and it also hints of a victory that is coming that will be "sealed with blood" (about when Jesus would come to earth).

Does this resonate with you?  Are you feeling trapped and in bondage and you can't find the freedom that you are looking for?  Are you in some kind of pit today and don't know if there is a way of escape?  Have you bought into the fact that there is no hope for your life?

If that is the case - this promise is for you.  We are all prisoners of hope.  We hope in a better day filled with victory and deliverance and freedom from our dungeons and pits.

Jesus has been and still is the answer:

1. He is a righteous ruler; all his acts of government will be exactly according to the rules of equity, for he is just.

2. He is a powerful protector to all those that bear faith and true allegiance to him, for he has salvation; he has it in his power; he has it to bestow upon all his subjects. 

3. He is the God of salvation; treasures of salvation are in him. He died and rose again out of the grave by his own power and so qualifying himself to be our Saviour.

4. He is a meek, humble, and lowly; he is poor and afflicted.  He emptied Himself and came to earth to identify with us.  He was despised and rejected by man.

God is the deliverer of pits in our lives.  Bad habits, bad decisions, bad marriages, etc.

When I think of pits I think about Joseph and Jeremiah and Paul who also were thrown into a pit.  Like us, they felt hopeless and discouraged and wondered if they would ever get out.

Yet, God came through for them and he will come through for you.  Look up.  Reach out.  God is with you now and He will be with you later as He promises that He will never leave or forsake us.  

Your pit could be poor health, the loss of your job, former friends that turned against you, an unfaithful mate, rebellious children, or any other overwhelming problem. You may be responsible for being in your pit, or you may be a victim of the sins of others. 

 He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.” ‭Psalms‬ ‭40:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

May God free us all from our pits today.  Amen.

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