Thursday, February 5, 2015


(Exodus 19:4 ESV) 4 ...I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself.

Perhaps one of my most favorites verses in the Bible is this one - speaking of how God picked up the Israelites and brought them to Himself.

Look at some other passages on eagle's from the Bible...

(‭Psalm‬ ‭103‬:‭1-5‬ ESV) Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

(Isa 40:31 NKJ) But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

When I lived in the great Northwest I remember fishing one day and barely catching anything.  As if to mock me - an eagle one time swooped down from one of the trees and grabbed a trout in his talons as if to show me how good he really was and bad I really was at fishing.

Eagles around the world are the KING OF BIRDS - like lions are the king of beasts. It is the national bird of the United States as well as the Philippines and other countries.

All through the Bible we are likened to eagles.  It’s amazing how many scriptures are linked to eagles.

Thoughts About Eagles

Birth - When the eagles are born they are very happy birds.  Mom takes good care of them.  She has their nest padded with down and other soft materials.  Mom also makes sure that they don’t go hungry and are always well fed – with nice juicy worms.

Does this sound like new Christians?  Everything is just wonderful.


(Deuteronomy 32:11 NKJV)  "As an eagle stirs up its nest, Hovers over its young, Spreading out its wings, taking them up, Carrying them on its wings,"

32:12 – so the LORD alone led his people.

In the Eagle world - one day mom begins to act strange. She starts pulling the nest apart - piece by piece.  Mom knows that if Jr. doesn’t learn to fly he will never be a strong bird.

Isn’t that the way it is with us as Christians?  God knows that we will never be strong as long as we stay in the same nest. Paul tells us that he couldn’t talk to the Corinthians as mature because they were still babes.  The were still on milk and not on the meat.

Interesting thought:  Their discomfiture was caused by the one who loved them the most.  

Perhaps the problems you are having  are not the devil’s fault - maybe God is trying to shake up your nest and help you grow.

Eventually the eagles begin to fall out of the nest.  Over and over mom pushes them out and saves them.  Eventually jr. realizes that he has wings.

Mounting up with wings  

Most birds fly at 3,000 ft.  Eagles can fly up to 18,000 feet ( 3 miles).  They can see the big picture.  Sparrows hop on the ground – bogged down by little things.  They never go far. Chickens look down and eat dirt. Crows just flap their wings and make a lot of noise.

But eagles soar!  Eagles were not created to go around flapping like a crow.

We can’t keep our eyes on our problems.  We must keep looking up to God as the finisher of our faith.

God sees the sparrows when they fall – and He even cares for them – BUT HIS DESIRE IS FOR US TO FLY. God has equipped eagles to fly – they are of a slender form and have a strong bone structure for strength and pressure.

High Flight

Eagles have a special joint in their pinions that allows them to soar above higher than other birds.

Two sets of eyelids.  When traveling at high speeds – one will drop down and filter out the debris and keep things in focus.

They can soar and look right into the storms.  They have their own set of Oakleys.

Eagles have been clocked at 120 mph and are believed to fly even up to 175 mph.  At 100 mph they can stop in 20 feet.

They are not afraid of the storms that come along.  They just keep flying higher and higher.  When other birds try to attack - they just fly up above where their enemies cannot survive.

Christians need to know how to soar and how to walk on earth.  

Handling Adversity

Eagles face two difficulties – storms and snakes.It handles each differently.  It embraces the storm and attacks the snakes. It stretches its wings to the storm put picks up the snakes and flies very high and drops it. Its breast is thickly padded to protect against poisonous snake bites.

The Bible tells us to put on the breastplate of righteousness.

How do you handle adversity in your life?


Once they get involved in an activity - whether building a nest or capturing their prey - they are extremely committed, refusing to let anything stop them or keep them from reaching their goal.

Shouldn’t we be like that?  Our word is our bond.

It’s interesting – eagles also mate for life.

How is your family life?  How are your commitments at home?


Eagles build solid foundations as homes with 4 – 6 feet branches. They pad the nest with soft materials.  It is interesting – some nests weigh up to 2 tons. Mom stays in the nest with the kids and the Dad becomes the provider.

Necessity Of Freedom

An eagle in his natural habitat is a very clean bird.  If however, he is placed in captivity he becomes one of the dirtiest birds in the world.

A Christian who continues to sin - is like a dirty bird.
For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. (‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬ ESV)
When Eagles Are Sick Or Are About To Die

He just finds a high rock and watches the sun go down. He keeps his eyes on the sun as we are to keep our eyes on the son - Jesus.
I like what is said about Saul and Jonathan...

(2 Sam 1:23 NKJV)  ""Saul and Jonathan were beloved and pleasant in their lives, And in their death they were not divided; They were swifter than eagles, They were stronger than lions."
Who wants to be like an eagle?

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