Tuesday, March 1, 2016


And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them: “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’” Numbers‬ ‭6:22-26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

In most Jewish homes it is unheard of to leave the house without receiving THE BLESSING from their “Abba” (Daddy).  As family members prepare to leave for the day they will will come to their abba and receive the Aaronic Blessing upon them for God’s rich blessings to come their way and protect them throughout their day.

I think this is what is wrong with America in a lot of ways. Father’s don’t know how to give the blessing and children don’t know how to receive it.  As a result - many children (young and old) are walking around life without the blessing of their father.

It is what drives young women into the arms of other men and what causes anger and insecurity in many young people.  That… they don’t have the blessing of their father in their lives.

There is an incredible power behind THE BLESSING.  I’ve seen families melt into each other’s embrace as parents began to release a blessing into their children’s lives.

A child wants to hear, “I bless you. I love you.  I believe in you.”  As a result of not hearing those words children often act out and seek for love in other places and people.

Almost every Sunday I place this blessing on people as they leave church to meet their week.  I am often told by people of how much they enjoy receiving it because it is the only words of affirmation that they receive all week long.

You might ask - “How can I put the blessing on my children?”  Here are some of the things I think should be part of the blessing on my children and grandchildren.

  • Affirming Words - These are words that affirm God’s blessings and promises on them.  They are words of hope and a future.  They are a reminder of who they are and how much God love them.  These words should be encouraging and life building.  They should be honest about the direction of their lives and the choices that they are making.
  • Affirming Touch - In a world that is a little crazy - this should be one of the most important things we can do - the touch of blessing.  This is the affirmation of our love in a touch that is pure and right.  This is “God with skin on.”  It is the hugs that we give and the placing of our hand on their forehead as we pray.
  • Affirming Time - This is spending quality time with those we love.  This is letting them know how valuable and important they are to us.
  • Affirming God’s Promises - Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has a plan for us and it is good.  We need to be speaking these words into the ears of our children and grandchildren.  Things like “You shall be the head and not the tail.” (Deuteronomy 28:13) and “keep your eyes on God.” (Psalm 123:2a)
  • Affirming Purpose - Remind them that they are not only on this earth for themselves but for others.  Remind them that they should live a life of service to others - that true greatness is in helping and serving others and not just ourselves.

Every Sunday families walk up to the church and I try to greet them if I can.  As I hug adults and children alike I often say a quiet prayer of blessing over their lives.  They might not hear me but I know my Heavenly Father hears my prayers.

I am one of the lucky ones in life as I grew up in an atmosphere of positivity and with much affirmation.  Every day my parents were my best cheerleaders - “You can do it, you can make something of your life, you can go and do great things.”  I only wish now that my father was still alive to see his words of blessings coming to life in all his kids and grandkids.  His influence in my life has been huge and has had a mighty impact not only on me but my whole family.  I pray that I now carry on that legacy and that God would use me to touch and bless my family to prepare them for the great things their lives.

One more thing, if you grew up without the blessing of your natural father in your life - don’t seek for it in all the wrong places.  Go to God, your Heavenly Father, and let Him speak the words of blessing over you and give the words of affirmation that you need to hear.  He loves you SO much and His plan for your future is good!

I Bless You Today In Jesus’ Strong Name!

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