Friday, February 5, 2016


“‘You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You know how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.” Exodus‬ ‭19:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If you ever want to know how God works in our lives - it is in this scripture.  No matter where you look in the Bible, you will not find a better definition of God’s purpose in each of our lives on earth.

God is explaining to Moses that when He called him down to Egypt to lead God’s people out - He wanted Moses to understand that He was bringing them not to a land, but to a person - God.

God said, I brought you unto myself.” He wants us to know Him, to come unto Him. This is why, after many years in the ministry, the apostle Paul wrote the church in Philippi in Philippians 3:10 “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;” 

Our great goal in life is to KNOW the Lord, to come unto Him.

How well do you know God today?

“Like an eagle that rouses her chicks and hovers over her young, so he spread his wings to take them up and carried them safely on his pinions. The LORD alone guided them; they followed no foreign gods.” Deuteronomy‬ ‭32:11-12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Bible makes it very simple. The Word of God says, “like an eagle…so the Lord…” 

As an eagle works, so does the Lord work. God says, “ I want you to understand what I am doing in your life. I want you to know Me. I want you to come unto Me.”

As an old man, Moses could now see that God had been in everything that had happened to him. The Lord had led him, protected him, cared for him, and brought him to the present hour. In this passage, God reminded him that all of his happened in order to bring Moses unto Hims

A. As an eagle, so the Lord builds.

The Lord says, “The way the eagle works is the way that I am going to work.” As an eagle builds, so the Lord builds.

Far off, in high tree or a rocky place, high above the ground, the eagle finds the perfect location in which to build the nest. The greatest care is taken in building that nest, gathering branches and other things from the earth and carry them to the nest to make it just exactly like it needs to be. The nest is prepared with tender, loving care.

This is a building process that goes on. The life of the eagle cannot continue unless the building process goes on. As the eagle builds, so the Lord builds. Sometimes we hear the expression “self-made people.” But God builds His people.

I look back at my journey in life and now realize that the Lord has been building and preparing me for where I am now in life.  What is happening in my life now is preparing me for the future things He has in store for me.

The Lord is the One who builds His church. We must allow Him to do the building. As an eagle, so the Lord builds.

B. As an eagle, so the Lord breaks.

God works like an eagle. Mother knows that baby eaglets were not born to stay in the nest for the rest of their lives. She cares for them and she longs to be near them. She is proud of them, but they were not born to stay in the nest, so she must do something that is painful to do.

She worked so hard to build the nest, but she must begin to remove some of the soft things that made it to comfortable. Some of the sticks that had been lying horizontally to make it comfortable for them are now turned vertically. If we could hear the little eaglets talking in the nest, they would say something like, “It is impossible to find a comfortable place around here! Ouch! That hurts! I can’t find a place to sit. I don’t know what is going on. Everything was perfect until a few days ago. Something went wrong.” This mother eagle is causing her eaglets to look beyond the nest, making them realize they must get out of here. She must break up the nest.

God is in the disturbances just as much as He is in the deliverances. Every one of us is exactly the way we are for one reason. We are content to be that way. Some folks are so content that they would just sit where they are and do no more until the Lord Jesus comes. We must realize that God wants to stir us up.

We wonder why things happen. You may wonder why you are having difficulty. You may wonder why things are not going smoothly for you. It is because God wants to do more with your life that He has ever done before.

C. As an eagle, so the Lord broods.

When we are having problems and difficulties, we wonder, “Where is God in all of this?” I know what it is like to deal with problems. I do not enjoy them, but I thank God for what I can learn from them. The greatest thing I learn from them is that Christ will see me through.

Our heavenly Father broods over us. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 32:11, “As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young…” Up in the nest, the eaglet is watching as mother eagle does something beautiful and majestic. She has already stirred up the nest and made the eaglets uncomfortable. She has their attention. Very few times in our lives does God really get our attention. When He gets our attention, we should respond to Him. Some people may go for years without God getting their attention, but when He gets it, they should respond to Him. Mother eagle has their attention. They are no longer comfortable in the nest. Suddenly, they see her. Beautifully, majestically, she glides through the air. Those gorgeous wings are spread as she moves through the air with the eaglets in view.

She watches them because she has walked that path before and she knows what is going on inside their little hearts. They are looking at her and thinking, “Could I ever do that? Could I ever fly like that?” Mother looks like me, and I look like her. Mother is out of the nest, and I am in the nest. Could I ever get out of this nest and do something I have never done before?” Eaglets do not learn by watching one another. They learn to fly by watching their mother. Christians never grow by watching one another. They grow by looking to Jesus Christ!

There are disappointing, heartbreaking things that happen sometimes to turn our eyes back on the Son of God. The beauty of it is that His eyes are always on us. In the darkest night, the roughest time, the loneliest hour, when it seems as though it would be easier to die than live, God is watching you, brooding over you. He is always tenderly, lovingly looking at you. The Bible says that we are never alone and never forsaken!

D. As an Eagle, so the Lord Bears.

Mother has a big job on her hands because one of those little eaglets has to be the first one out of the nest. The first eaglet walks over the edge, he must fly. As these eaglets watch their mother, beating within their breasts is a desire to d what she is doing. Suddenly, over the nest one comes. Fluttering his wings as fast as possible, he tries to fly. He makes it for a moment, then suddenly, his mother sees him faltering. Like a rocket, she zooms down beneath him, spreads her wings, and catches him. She bears him on her wings and takes him higher and higher, until she removes her wings and lets him try again.

I now have the privilege of looking back over life and see that over and over how God has led and dealt with me.  I see how God has pushed me out of my nest to help me fly. I was born to fly, not sit in a nest.

I have thought many times that I could not live and would not live, but God saw me through. I could only fall so far until I fell on His wings.

The little eaglet falls downward over and over as mom pushes him over the next. Again and again, like a rocket, she zooms down beneath him, picks him up, and carries him higher, moves her wings, and lets him try again. Finally, he flies!

In all of the recorded studies of eagles, researchers have never found that even one eaglet has fall to his death because he was not caught on his mother’s wings! I know that I am safe in Jesus Christ. I am sure of heaven. I have the promise that the Lord will take care of me.

As a result, I get to know God in a deeper way everyday.

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