Tuesday, July 21, 2015


This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”” Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NLT‬

Over my lifetime I have met and ministered to many people and many needs.  I don't think, however, that I have ever seen so many discouraged people than I have seen of late.

People are not happy, discontented and miserable.  They are afraid. They can't find any peace and satisfaction in life.  What's going on?

Joshua was facing one of the most difficult times of his life.  He had just been commissioned to lead a nation of gripping, complaining people to the promised land.  

In fact, their lack of contentment in earlier years had cost them an extra 40 years wandering in the wilderness.

God tells Joshua to be strong.  Why is the Lord telling him or us to be strong?  It is this - He knew that we can easily lose our resolve in the face of the enemy.  God knew that Joshua had more on his plate than he would know how to handle.  He knew that he must be "strong" in order to accomplish the purposes of God.

Taking on this enormous task was going to take perseverance.This was not going to happen overnight. Becoming possessors of the Promised Land was going to take a long time.

If he was to be a successful leader, Joshua needed to possess an absolute resolve.

Now, even though God tells Joshua to be strong, it was not going to be because of his own power. The secret of his success was not his strength, but in the fact that he would be dependent on the Lord’s strength.

Success would come because the Lord was with him.

Joshua could be strong. He should be strong because the battle was the Lord’s.

He could count on the Lord’s strength and His assistance.  After all, this was the Lord’s work, not his.

Not only was Joshua told to be strong but he was also told to be courageous.

Now I ask a similar question… Why does God tell us to be courageous? Frankly, it is because we get scared a lot. We fear the process and the consequences.

And as a result… Fear can paralyze us.

Whether we feel apprehensive, anxious, scared or petrified, God calls on us to have courage.

The Lord repeats this command over and over because we are so easily frozen by fear. The task God has given can seem so massive, there is a definite temptation to run the other way.

Whatever fills us with fear, we are to stop ourselves and find new courage. It is available. It is available because God provides it. God is with us.

We will move forward, no matter what distresses us. We will move forward because God has promised to be with us.

General John Gavin who was the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe and the Commander-in-Chief of US European Command was asked what was it like to be in charge of so many and various forces. His response went like this…

I often feel like the director of a cemetery. I have a lot of people under me, but nobody listens.”

Joshua had to be concerned about the same thing. Would people listen? Would they listen to him? Would they listen or be distracted in the midst of the conflict?

It was a legitimate concern.  I'm sure that he was filled with fear.

When God promises His Presence, it is always enough.

The sole source of our strength and our courage is the Lord’s Presence. Our trust in Him is to be unshakeable, no matter how great the tasks may seem.

This verse gives us 11 of the most important words that you will ever know... "For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

I don't have to be afraid of today or tomorrow because God will be with me wherever I go.  That's His promise and He doesn't break His promises.  Joshua needed to hear these words and so do we.  

We need to be reminded of God's provision and promise.  We need to be reminded that we are not in this battle alone.  God is with us - always.  We can trust Him to bring us completely through whatever trial we may be facing. Victory is ours!

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