Saturday, September 6, 2014


And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21 ESV)

While I was in the hospital recently, connected to all sorts of wires and hoses, I kept asking God what was going on and what it is that He wanted me to "get" while I was there. I kept waiting for that whisper from God that so often happens in my life when I'm going through some major life change or decision.  Everytime I asked, I heard God speak to my heart, "I have you right where I want you, I'm in this."

That isn't exactly what I wanted to hear but it was nevertheless the whisper of God's heart over me.

Over the years, I've learned to listen for the whisper of God.  It is that quiet inner voice that comes to us from God Almighty over the course of our lives.  A whisper from God can change destinies and can change the course of direction for your life..

Bill Hybels wrote a book called THE WHISPERS OF GOD. He states "If you will be sensitive to the whispers of God in your life - amazing things will start to happen."

Jesus said in John 10 - "My sheep know my voice and they heed it."

Usually His voice is not going to scream.  His voice is going to whisper. Adam and Eve heard the sound of God's voice as they came into the garden. When God speaks to us - it is usually through whispers.

When God whispers into your life to risk everything - failure, reputation, it is so important that you be obedient to that inner voice that God is speaking to you.

When Samuel was in the temple as a little boy - God was trying to speak to Him.  God would call his name at night, "Samuel, Samuel..." - 1 Samuel 3. He thought it was Eli the priest because they were the only two who lived in the temple. He went to Eli over and over and said, "Why did you call my name?"  Eli said, "I didn't call your name." Eli finally gets it - "If you're hearing someone call your name - it could be God whispering to you."

The next time you hear that voice say, "Lord, Here am I. Speak, your servant hears."

We should all make that our declaration - "Speak, your servant hears."

By being obedient to the whisper of God - Samuel heard God's plan for his life.


I like what Jentezen Franklin says - "God's biggest whispers in your life are yet to come."


If God can speak to Eli and to Samuel and even to me - THEN I KNOW FOR A CERTAINTY - GOD CAN SPEAK HIS INSTRUCTIONS TO YOU.

And he said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (1 Kings 19:11-13 ESV)

There was Example of the whisper of God on Elijah in a cave. Queen Jezebel was trying to pursue and destroy him.  He did what a lot of us do - go hide in a cave.

Sometimes because of pressure we allow our lives to cave in.  Sometimes because of the pressure of life allow other voices to speak into our lives. Unbelief.  Depression.  Discouragement.  Health. Family, etc.

God came and talked to him "What are you doing here - come outside and hear the whisper of God."

You've been the cave long enough.  It's time to come out and hear the voice of God! You've been grieving, crying and depressed long enough.  God has new orders for your life.  He has a new whisper for your.  He wants to bring you out of your cave.

They put Jesus in a cave and He came out after three days.  I'm sure He knows how to get you out of your cave. It might come through a whisper from God about His plans for your life and future.

Some of you are in need of destiny changing words.  You are in a cave and God is calling you out.

When God called Elijah out of the cave there was an earthquake and a mighty wind - but God was not in it. Fire fell but God was not in the fire.

It's not that God is never in the wind as we was in the wind in the upper room. It's not that God is never in the earthquake as we was in the earthquake when Paul and Silas were in prison. It's not that God has never been in the fire.  Just ask Shaddrack, Messhack and Abendego. They will tell you that God is the God who walks with His children through the fire.

Sooner or later in life you will go through the fire and your life will feel like there's been an earthquake.  The winds of adversity are coming against you.  And... God's not in it.  You're going through hell and you don't know why.

That's when a still small voice (that God was in) spoke to Elijah.

We have a God who knows how to speak to His children when the world is shaking and the winds of adversity are blowing.

When... it feels like the fire of trials and tribulations are just consuming you and everything you have.
That's when you need (as the Amplified Bible puts it) "a gentle whisper."

God came in a gentle whisper.

God spoke to him and told him to go and anoint 3 different people - Jehu, Hazael, and Elisha. What is interesting - he only anointed one of the three - Elisha, and then went to heaven.

It's interesting - Elisha then anointed Jehu and then Jehu anointed Hazael.  Three generations passed off the blessings of one little whisper.

You may be going through the fire, the wind and the earthquake spiritually speaking, but one whisper from God can impact 3 generations. One whisper of God can send an anointing.  When God sends a whisper it can change everything.

We need to pray for Samuel ears where we say "Speak Lord, for your servant hears."

God can give you a whisper in a storm you might be going through. The disciples were in a storm and Jesus sent them (in the will of God) to the other side.While they were out in the middle a storm came up and Jesus came walking on the water and spoke one word to Peter - "Come."  Peter got out of the boat and walked to Jesus.

You might be needing a gentle whisper to your spirit today that says, "You're going to the other side.  You're going through this storm.  You're going to make it.  You're going to come out of the cave."

The same God who spoke in a still small voice to Elijah is speaking to someone today saying, "I have not abandoned my plans for your life. I have not torn up your birth certificate in the spirit because you have failed or have messed up."

God still loves you and calls you by name.  He has a gentle whisper for direction for your life.

When you get a word from God - it can impact generations.  It is just like Elijah who got a word that impacted three generations.

It is my pray today that you and I would develop that "inner ear" that would be sensitive to the gentle and quiet whisper of God over our lives.  May God help us all in this regar.

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