Monday, August 25, 2014


This last week I've had a lot of time on my hands to do "nothing" as I've been recuperating from my little heart situation. Actually, from a positive side - it's given me some needed time to recharge spiritually and get back on track with some spiritual disciplines.

Jentezen Franklin, who is a an amazing pastor/speaker that I've been listening over the years, shares the following message that I think will be of great blessing to your life. It is, 5 PRAYERS TO PRAY THIS WEEK.

We all struggle at times with prayer. We know it is a necessity, we know it is important, but being faithful in its disciplines in another thing completely. Pray these prayers this week and watch the difference your life will take.

1. Get God's PERSPECTIVE On Your Life

Do you remember the story of Elijah and his servant? They were surrounded by their enemies and the servant was worried. He could only see his surroundings and his enemy. He didn't see God's angels surrounding him and coming down from heaven. Elijah told him to take another look and see what was really there. He wasn't surrounded by the enemy but the enemy was surrounded by God.

Either you're looking at the enemy or your looking at God's angels. Either you're looking at the problem or you are looking at the promises.

Perspective is everthing. Pray everyday that God would help you see the BIG picture.

2. Be A PERSON Of Prayer

If you want victory in your life - you have to constantly pray "God, let me see the best, and the goodness and the perfect plan you have for my life."

When we pray - things happen. Some people call them coincidences. When we pray - coincidences happen. When don't pray - coincidences don't happen.

P - ray
U - until
S - omething
H - appens

3. Develop Your POTENTIAL

You might have an amazing potential - but that doesn't mean that you will reach your potential.

Have you ever heard of the Japanese Fish called a "Koi Fish." It can adapt to it's environment. If you put it in a small fish bowl - it won't grow over 4" in length. If you take that same fish and put it in a larger fish tank - it could grow to 8" in length. It you put it in a pond - it will grow 18" even though it stayed the same size as long as it was in the smaller fish bowl. If you take it out of the pond and put it in a lake - it will grow 42". The point is this - every coy fish has the potential to grow 42" long. But many only grow to 4" because of the environment that they are kept in.

Some of us need to change our environment and get around people that can draw our potential out.

"The same power that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you."

Don't live in a fish bowl when God has greater things for you.

There is a story about an Ice Factory that caught on fire and they had to call the Fire Department because all their assets were frozen.

You have enormous potential but as long as what you have is not being challenged and is frozen - you cannot be what God intended for you to be.

Say... "God, release my potential."

Pray that God would keep challenging you - moving you from faith unto faith - from victory unto victory.

Don't settle for a little fish tank when God has greater things for your life.


When David saw Goliath he could have had two possible reactions. He could have ran out and said, "He's so big, I'm going to run for my life." Instead, he ran out and said, "He's so big, there's no way that I can miss him - I'm going to take him out with a rock."

Be positive.

If Bill and Mary have a problem. If Bill and Sue have a problem. If Bill and Jack have a problem - BILL IS THE PROBLEM.

It's possible the YOU might be the problem in your life.

If negative people keep coming your direction - it's because you attract what you are.  
BE POSITIVE. Don't let life get you down. Don't get depressed.

5. Expect God's PROVISION

God owns everything.

Jentezen Franklin stated "When I started out - I didn't have anything. I was broker than the 10 commandments."

God promises to provide for you. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. All He asks for you to do is give 1/10th of your income back to God. Trust Him that He is going "to supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory."


1. Get God's PERSPECTIVE on life

2. Be a PERSON of prayer

3. Develop your POTENTIAL


5. Expect God's Provision

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