But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:8 ESV)
I'm not by nature a creative person like many of you reading this. I've tried to artsy things but it's just not in my genes to do so. On the other hand, my daughter Erin can draw things free-hand and create beautiful pottery with intricate details. Denise and I are not quite sure where she got that talent because it didn't come from either of us.
Having said that - I do like art and I do enjoy looking at what other people create. I love to visit different places of the world and see the different artifacts that they have produced.
The potters art has been practiced since ancient times. The Egyptian monuments give evidence that it was known in Egypt before the entrance of the Hebrews into that country. Pottery is the number one most popular find of Archaeologists who study the Ancient World. They have found the remains of potter’s shops at Lachish 1200B.C. and Megiddo, Gezer, Hazor. The remains included nearby clay fields, potter’s wheels and kilns, and the dump for unusable pottery.
In this blog today I would like to begin by taking you with me to the Potter’s House.
The first thing we will notice is that God Put His Thoughts On You - before you were even created.
Everyday, the potter leaves early with bags in hand to visit the fields and the hills to gather clay.
Jeremiah1 tells us "Before you came forth from the womb He knew you!
Before you even graced this earth God knew all about you - the ups and downs - the victories and the struggles. Before you were even born - God was preparing the clay.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
When He looked on you and thought of you, He could not use you as you were. You were lumpy, rocky, stiff-necked, you had hard spots in you. You did not have consistency. So He took you down and...
Secondly, He Puts His Eyes on You.
He began to look at you without seeing you for what you are, but for what He knows you can be!
Psalm 17:8 Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,
Psalm 33:18 Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;
Thirdly - He Puts His Feet On You.
Clay in its natural state was seldom fit for use. Several stages of preparation were usually necessary.
The Clay must be softened before it can be fashioned. The clay was mixed with water and sifted to remove any stones or foreign objects that did not need to be there. There were several settling basins where the sifting took place, each basin with smaller holes than the one before.
This was the process of refining the clay in order to make the very best vessel.
Once refined, the potter would place the clay on a clean floor and begin walking on it, back and forth, over and over until all the air pockets were removed.
Once the right consistency is obtained, He will pick you up off the floor and place you on the potter’s wheel. There He will:
Fourthly - He Will Put His Hands On You
While you’re on the wheel, He will begin molding you. This involves applying pressure in certain areas that He needs to change. You may not like these pressures, but understand, He is the one making the vessel, and He knows what is best for you!!
He will form you into the vessel that He desires to make.
But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” (Romans 9:20 ESV)
Once His hands have formed you into the beautiful vessel you are still worthless and without function until He puts you in the fire.
There were two ways of doing this: In the old days they would “Sun Dry” the vessels. However, they had limitations, they could only store dry goods, because liquids would break them down. Later the “Kiln Fire” the vessels.
A fine vessel that will harden and hold liquids and maintain its shape had to be exposed to a minimum temperature of 500 degrees.
The beauty of properly fired clay is that it will not breakdown and disintegrate, even if buried for thousands of years. Metal or wood would have long since disappeared.
The clay had to stay in the fire long enough for the chemical process in the clay to start working.
Once removed from the fire the vessel must be scoured and scrubbed to remove any lingering signs of air bubbles that surfaced in the fire. The nicks and bumps had to be smoothed out.
Once the smoothing process has been accomplished, you are now ready to be painted, glazed. These words and synonymous with the word anointed.
A vessel that has not been glazed could only be used once, because of bacteria and fungi being able to hide in its pours. However, when a glazed vessel is washed with soap and water you can use it over and over again, because the bugs have no place to hide.
Fifthly - He Will Put His Anointing On You
1. This is the painting of the vessel
2. The Glazing of the vessel
3. This is what makes the vessel attractive
Finally He Will Put His Name On You
Every good artist puts his name on his work
Rev. 22:4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.
The quality must go in, before the name goes on.
Where are you in regards to the potter's wheel today? Are you an observer - looking from the windows in or are are you actually on the potter's wheel allowing God to form and shape and mold you into his image? Have you allowed the master's hands and feet to press you in places that are sensitive and weak? Have you allowed his anointing to come on you? Most important - if I was to turn you upside down - would His name be displayed as an original from God Almighty?
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