In a few hours I will heading to the airport with Pastor Brian Hurst and together we will be flying to Sri Lanka - about a 27 hour journey. It is something I do 1to 2 x's a year and it helps me stay grounded and keep my focus on the things important in life.
People often ask me why I feel the need to go to other countries when there are so many needs here in the United States and specifically in the High Desert. The answer: It's because of the words of Jesus from Matthew 28:18-20 that encourages all of us to "go." When I go - I feel like I am being most obedient to Christ by following His direction and leading. When I go - it keeps my focus in the right perspective as I pastor my church and go about my daily activities.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 ESV)
A story is told of this donkey that was filled with self-importance. He felt that he had it over the other donkeys. He was very well taken care of by his humans and that made him feel all the more special. So, he was prideful that he was called in for difficult assignments. He was strong and he could carry a lot. He also knew how to give comfortable rides to passengers.
He was not surprised to be called to give a ride to a person going into the capital city one day. But he was surprised at what a wonderful greeting he was given by the crowds. People were laying down palm branches and their own cloaks on the ground before him. “Wow! I really am something,” he thought. “People are really appreciating all that I am doing, that’s for sure.”
But the truth was, the celebration was not for him or about him. It had nothing to do with him. He was carrying Jesus. He was simply carrying the Message.
As a church, it is not about us. It is not about the donkey. It is all about Jesus. We are carriers of the message. So, our job is to keep taking Jesus places.
Someone carried the message of Jesus to us, didn’t they? When we heard the good news about Jesus, someone brought it to us.
And when we received the good news, something great happened to us. We were “Never the Same Again.” Transformation takes place which has been our theme this year during our discipleship emphasis.
When we have been changed by the good news, we know that it will be good news to others as well.
It is news to be shared. In fact, that is Jesus’ assignment to us. He tells us to make disciples. We are to… DELIBERATELY MAKE COMMITTED FOLLOWERS OF JESUS.
This is our assignment. And what is our goal? It is effectiveness. It is reaching people. It is fruitfulness. When we lose sight of that, we will get distracted by other things that are not nearly as important!
So, listen…The measurement of success for our church is not the programs, budget or buildings, but the production and development of followers of Jesus.
It is not programs. It is not possessing money. It is not to have great buildings. It is connecting with people.
Let’s go back to the programs for a minute…Because we have a lot of programs at New Life Chapel, and I think we have some mighty good ones. But programs don’t reach people. People reach people.
Programs are nothing more than framework. And if they do not aid us in getting connected with people, then we either revise how we are doing them or we get rid of them.
You see…
Our goal is to depopulate hell. We want to see less people there. But, when we are more concerned with ourselves and when leadership is more concerned with keeping Christians happy, we show our lack of heart for those without Jesus.
Here's a good story: A paramedic was asked on a local TV talk-show program: "What was your most unusual and challenging 911 call?"
"Recently we got a call from that big white church at 11th and Walnut," the paramedic said. "A frantic usher was very concerned that during the sermon an elderly man passed out in a pew and appeared to be dead. The usher could find no pulse and there was no noticeable breathing."
"What was so unusual and demanding about this particular call?" the interviewer asked.
"Well," the paramedic said, "we carried out four guys before we found the one who was dead."
Let’s not be caught dead in the pews! The church is not looking for all-stars, but for all to start. We all need to be moving toward those who don’t know Jesus.
"Recently we got a call from that big white church at 11th and Walnut," the paramedic said. "A frantic usher was very concerned that during the sermon an elderly man passed out in a pew and appeared to be dead. The usher could find no pulse and there was no noticeable breathing."
"What was so unusual and demanding about this particular call?" the interviewer asked.
"Well," the paramedic said, "we carried out four guys before we found the one who was dead."
Let’s not be caught dead in the pews! The church is not looking for all-stars, but for all to start. We all need to be moving toward those who don’t know Jesus.
So, get going! Think of the relationships you have. Think of the relationships you have had and that need restarted. Think of the relationships you need to begin.
Get going.
The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. (2 Peter 3:9 ESV)
Express what Jesus means to you (II Peter 3.15) - …always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…Tell your story. Give your testimony. You are a witness. Tell how Jesus has changed you.
Purposely, as you leave the parking lots of New Life Chapel is a sign saying, "You are now entering the mission field." Perhaps you might have the opportunity to go to other countries like I do but for all of us - our mission field is our community, our jobs, our schools and even our homes.
So... let's all get going. The fields are "white unto harvest."
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