A hero is any person who is admired for qualities or achievements and regarded as an ideal or role model. Over the next few days I would like to look into the lives of some Old Testament and New Testament saints and how they make an impact in our lives today.
Yesterday we talked about the life of Joseph. He had become Pharaoh’s right-hand man over all of Egypt. The children of Israel had moved to Egypt due to the famine. As the years have passed, they have multiplied to approximately three million people. Joseph and his immediate family have passed on, and a new king is in power. Pharaoh is intimidated by the number of Israelites and wants to get rid of them, so he tells the midwives, those who deliver the newborn babies, to kill the male babies (Exodus 1:22).
It is in the middle of this crisis that today's hero is born. His name is Moses. He is one of the most famous men in all the Bible. In the NT, a man named Stephen summarized Moses’ life - Acts 17:1-36.
1. You and I Were Born On Purpose
Before Moses was born, God had a purpose for his life. Not even the edict to kill all the Hebrew baby boys could get in the way of Moses’ birth. God made a way (Exodus 2:1-10). God created you and me for a purpose. No matter the circumstances surrounding your birth, you are not an accident.
2. Mistakes Do Not Disqualify Us
Moses made a pretty big mistake – murder (Exodus 2:11-15). But it was while Moses was hiding in Midian that he met his wife and had a face to face encounter with God…
3. We Need A Personal Encounter With God
The day Moses met God face to face in the burning bush changed his life forever. We all need an encounter with God like that (Exodus 3:1-6).
4. No Excuse Is Good Enough For God
Moses tried to come up with every excuse imaginable to get out of going back to Egypt (Exodus 4:1-12). Have you ever tried to make up some lame excuse for not serving God?
5. God Will Do Miracles To Accomplish His Purposes
God sent ten supernatural plagues to teach that God meant business to let Israel go: the Nile turned to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock killed, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the death of the firstborn (Exodus 14:21-28). If God has ordained you for your purpose, there is nothing that can stop it unless you are disobedient. Nothing is too difficult for God!
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