Thursday, November 14, 2013


For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. (Ephesians 5:8, 10, 11 ESV)

For the most part, I lived a very sheltered life from the ways of the world and the darkness that it survived in.  As children living in a pastor's home we were still exposed to certain behaviors of people and saw what sin did to their lives - but to actually see and live in the darkness of sin was a whole new story.  

After I started pastoring my first church in the state of Washington I became a Police Chaplain and Reserve Officer and would do ride alongs with our local police department and "BAM" my eyes were opened.  I couldn't believe that people actually lived and did some of the things that I was being exposed to. I saw firsthand the ugliness of sin before my eyes - especially after midnight.  Almost every person we dealt with in that darkest hour was either high or carrying some sort of weapon or involved in some criminal activity.  My heart went out to the abused and lonely - to the prostitutes and down and outers.  I cried with those who lost their babies to SIDS and pleaded with the suicidal to come down from that ledge - that their lives were worth living and that I wanted to help them. To this day, those images are still engraved into my heart as I minister to the needs of people that pass by my life.  And in reality - there are very few surprises anymore except that which seemed abnormal to me back then is a normal occurance in my life now.  

What I do know is this - all that stuff is darkness and God wants us to start living our lives in the light.  He wants us to come out of the darkness and into the light.  Because we continue to live in this world and have not yet arrived in heaven - there is this tendency to stray over to the dark side and that's not where you want to live.  Some people are quite strong and are able to live in and around the darkness because their lights shine brightly but for most of us - we need to get out completely.

Paul simply says that we should "... try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."  (If you want a complete list of the sins that are places of the dark - just read this whole chapter.)

I think we tolerate a lot of darkness and choose not to expose those dark   we don't want to upset the apple cart in our lives or that of others.  But it is clear that we have a higher calling and we are to seek after the light and live in that light.  If there are things in your life that are hidden and you don't want anyone to know about - you are living in the dark.  If you are drawn to certain sins and constantly obsess about it - you are living in the dark.  If your tongue speaks evil things over others - you are living in the dark.

Some time ago, I took some college young people to Hawaii (I know, life is hard sometimes) for a leadership training.  While we were there - we got up very early one morning to go to the top of a Volcanno on the island and look for the sunrise in the east.  As we gathered together with a number of other people at the top of the mountain there was one thing we were all looking for - we all wanted to see the light.  I cannot describe in words the wonderful feeling that we had when the light first appeared.  It was almost spiritual in nature.  People even started cheering.

I pray that we would all live for and antipate the light to come into our lives today.  Yes, we still live in much darkness because we still live on the earth but we need to hear Jesus saying to us today - "Come out of the darkness into the light.  Come into my arms of protection and I will give you rest today."  May God's light shine into your lives today!

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