Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Listen! I am standing at the door and knocking! If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into his home and share a meal with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20 NET)

As a child, my parents had a picture on their living room wall of Jesus knocking on a house door (Warner Sallman).  There are two things about the picture that are of great importance - 1- there is no outside door knob and 2- the arch of the door is a picture of our heart.  It is a picture of Jesus knocking and knocking upon our hearts door and the only way He can come in is that we open it from the inside.  I think most of relate to that picture in one way or another.  Whether its been a few days since we've opened the door or a few months - the principle is the same - Christ won't force Himself into our lives unless we open our hearts to Him.  I've been challenged as of late to not let my heart grow cold and hard to the things of the Lord.  It seems at times that just the wear and tear of life causes our hearts to distance themselves from the presence of God and we don't allow His overwheling presence to fill us to overflowing.  We go through the motions, and from the outside it can often look like we are doing just fine.  But, underneath the surface is a completely different story.  Our heart can be filled with deceit, hardness, disdain, hate, jealousy, etc.  I challenge you today to do a little heart test and ask yourself the question - "Is my heart open to my Savior to come in and be welcome in my home today?"  If the answer is no then I pray that you will stop and take pause today and invite Him back into your life again.  You will be glad you did!

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