Wednesday, July 18, 2012


But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. (James 1:22 NLT) I've heard thousands of sermons over my lifetime and I've read God's Word over and over. It has been a source of wealth and blessing for my life and that of my family. Yet, I still struggle over certain principle's that are too hard to do and to follow. My stubborness comes out and my attitude kicks in. See, it's easy to listen to a sermon or read it in God's Word but it's harder to put it into practice and live it out on a daily basis. It's easy to forgive someone you like and much harder for someone you don't like. It's easy to love God when He asks you to do something you like but much harder when it's something you don't like. James tells us to not deceive ourselves and to not fool ourselves in this regard. We must accept the hard stuff as well as the stuff that is easy to do and the stuff we like. Let's make up our minds to just "do" God's Word today. Let's be obedient when He first speaks to us and calls us and not wait until our backs are up against a wall. It's the only way to experience His happiness and peace today!

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