Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Blessing Of Kindness

Philemon 1:7 NLT - I myself have gained much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because your kindness has so often refreshed the hearts of God's people.

Last night was a very difficult night for me as I sat with a family from our church who was dealing with the fact that their dad/ husband was dying. It was unexpected and it was filled with a lot of pain and anguish. As the night moved on, it became apparent that he wasn't going to make it and at 9:16 PM he finally went to be with Jesus. He and his wife had seven kids between the two of them (two that are still in their teens). Even though that was very difficult and painful and there we're lots of tears – there we're some “up” moments that I would like to talk about for a bit. The kindness of the staff at St. Mary's Hospital was unbelieving. Doctors and nurses wept with us over this loss. They didn't know this man or the family but we're moved emotionally by the loss of this dad/ husband. They went the extra mile to keep him alive. The chaplains did what they could to bring hope and encouragement to the family. People from our church who we're working there or we're there for their own family members who we're in the hospital came and grieved with us. The kindness of all these people refreshed us all. They brought much comfort and love. I know that there is a long journey for this family but I am encouraged today that there are loving friends and family who are willing to walk with them through this journey. Like Paul - “I have gained much joy and comfort from your love...”

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