Tuesday, November 24, 2015


“Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah.” Acts 3:19-20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I often hear from people who tell me that they are in a “dry season” or that they are “not as close to God” as they used to.

I understand them as I’ve been there many times before.

It is the feeling that you are just existing and going through life - often just spinning your wheels.  You get to the end of your day and wonder if you really accomplished something or not. 

It is when you go to church and everything sounds “blah, blah, blah.”  It is opening your Bible and the words just blur from one to the other.  It is trying to pray and feeling that there is a ceiling between you and God.

I get it.

So, how do we get “unstuck?” What type of environment does it take for God’s presence to flow again in our lives.

Our passage today is from Acts 3:19-20 but I would like you to read vv. 1-20.

It’s 3 PM in the afternoon (the hour of prayer in the Temple), Peter and John head up to join the throng at the great House of God.

And on the way in, as they came to the Gate called Beautiful (a gate inlayed with gold and precious stones, situated as an entrance in the Eastern side of the Temple courts) - they came across this man who had been crippled since birth. A man so lame that he couldn’t even hobble along with the aid of a crutch, but instead he had to be carried everywhere. And so he had some good friends who would carry him every day and lay him at this entrance to the Temple to beg from the people going up to pray.

YOU SEE he wasn’t allowed inside the Temple to join in prayer, because he was a cripple. Because of their spiritual pride they felt that he was blemished - not fit for the house of God. And so he sat on the steps and begged. And people gave him their loose change (to ease their consciences as they went to prayer!)

He was stuck.

But, as Peter and John approached this particular day he saw them, and so he asked them for alms. (Peter and John had just recently been filled with the Holy Spirit, and so they were just full of joy and life - so this lame man felt sure to get a good offering from these guys).

Peter and John stopped as he spoke to them (not like everyone else who tried to get past him without looking), and Peter said to him: "LOOK AT US!" - perhaps the man’s head was bowed down, he never looked into the eyes of those who came by for fear of offending them. He didn’t want to embarrass, so he kept his head low - but here is Peter saying "Look at us!" So he looked up at them "expecting to receive something from them." Peter said: "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk."

With that, Peter took hold of the man’s right hand and lifted him up, AND IN THAT MOMENT OF TIME "STRENGTH" came into that man’s feet and ankle bones for the very first time in his life. And he lept up! And he began to dance around - before all the hundreds of Jews coming in for prayer - and he praised God!

What a great miracle! Talk about getting unstuck.  In a quick moment - the power of God fell and this crippled man was leaping and shouting and praising God for his healing.

THE QUESTION IS: In what kind of environment WILL God’s power flow for a miracle to happen or for a season of refreshing to touch us again.

I see a number of principles here that help us get “unstuck” in life.


Sounds simple and obvious, doesn’t it? God’s power flows where God is.

Look at this lame man’s predicament with me for a moment. He had been sat at the entrance of the Temple for YEARS (4:22 says he was "over 40 years of age"). The Temple was supposedly the very House of God - the "HOME" of God’s presence - and yet here he was all his life camped at its gates AND HE WAS STILL A CRIPPLE! 

In all their religious fervour, there was NOTHING that these people could offer him! The best they could do was a few copper coins to ease their consciences as they passed by - an act of pity.

In truth, these people were going to worship God but God wasn’t with them.  It was routine and boring and predictable.  Then God showed up and shook things up.

God had been absent from their worship for centuries.  “The Glory had departed.”

But two men (Peter and John) showed up with the presence of God and a miracle of huge proportions showed up also.

Peter "fixed his eyes on" the man. No-one else would have anything to do with him. You see the Jews believed that such a man must be a sinner (or perhaps his parents were) to be afflicted by such an infirmity - this was the punishment of God. But as Peter saw him perhaps he heard the words of Jesus ringing in his ears: "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him."

And so Peter reaches out and heals the man and the lame man was healed because GOD’S POWER FLOWS WHEREVER HE IS. 

    EXPECTANCY - [read v4-5]

The word "expectancy" here means: "TO WAIT FOR SOMETHING IN SUSPENSE". There was something about these two men who would bother to talk to him that made this lame man WAIT IN SUSPENSE, expecting something good. He may have only been thinking about silver and gold - BUT AT LEAST HE WAS EXPECTING SOMETHING.

How many know that God does "exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ever ask or think"?! The problem is that so often we come to God not expecting anything at all! We come to church ready for "just another Sunday service"; we’ll sing some choruses, pray, take communion, and providing that preacher does the right thing we’ll be out and home for lunch by 12.00pm.

It’s so important to come to church longing to hear God speak. Nothing is sadder than going to church when you aren’t expecting anything to happen - and worst still when you are positively sure that nothing is going to happen! I tell you, if it gets to the stage that Pentecostals come to church not expecting anything to happen, then "WE ARE OF ALL MEN MOST MISERABLE." When you feel that way, what a surprise - nothing does happen! Yet so many people throughout the world go to church every Sunday feeling just that way.

This lame man EXPECTED something - and he got far more than he ever expected. GOD’S POWER FLOWS WHERE THERE IS EXPECTANCY. We need to develop an attitude of expectancy.

Hebrews 11:6 - "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

God ALWAYS answers my prayers, but sometimes the answer is NO! Or sometimes He answers with a different provision than I requested. It’s here that we need to recognize the LORDSHIP of Christ. We sing "He is Lord" and "All to Jesus I Surrender", here is where the rubber meets the road! Accepting what God decides is best for our lives.

When it’s not His will, God says "NO!"
When it’s not His time, God says "SLOW!"
But when it’s His will, and the time is right, God says "GO!"
(Bill Hybels)


This kind of expectancy ought to characterize every area of the believer’s life. For instance:

- You Can Expect God to Direct Your Life.
- You Can Expect God to Save You out of Dire  
- You Can Expect God to Provide.
- You Can Expect God to Heal.

Hudson Taylor’s life motto was this: "Attempt great things for God, EXPECT GREAT THINGS FROM GOD!"

To get “unstuck” in your spiritual life - you must with a sense of expectancy that God can and will do something.

    THE GLORY. [Read v8-10]

Upon receiving his healing - this man immediately jumps up and begins to give praise to God. I believe that God’s power flows where He will receive the glory!

If it is all about you - then why would God bring a miracle your way?  It has to be about Him - about bringing Him glory and honor and praise!


    SHOWN. [Read vv. 19-20]

The promise given is that when repentance comes from our heart - “there will be times of refreshment” that will come into our hearts.

Are you stuck today?  Are you in a place of routine and lifelessness before God?  Does it seem that God is far away?

May I encourage you...

- God’s Power Flows Where He Is
- God’s Power Flows Where There Is Expectancy
- God’s Power Flows Where He Alone Will Receive The 
- God’s Power Flows Where Repentance Is Shown

Monday, November 23, 2015


But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” Jeremiah‬ ‭17:7-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Yesterday I had the rare privilege of sitting and receiving a sermon versus standing and delivering a sermon.  Pastor Dan Guzman masterfully talked about moving from worry to peace - specifically about the “sin” of worry.

We worry about our “stuff” and we worry about what is happening or “not” happening in our lives right now.  Worry consumes us, and according to the scriptures, when we worry - it is indicative of NOT trusting in God.

So, during the sermon Pastor Dan stopped and asked us to close our eyes and asked us to think about what is worrying us.  If we are all honest - I think we all have something that we worry about.  In my case, it was a glaring issue that consumes my day by day thoughts.

I like how this verse lays it out there for us.  “Blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence.  They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water."

In other words, trusting in God is like water to our soul causing our roots to go deep into the riverbank - sustaining us during drought and storms. 

Yes, there will be seasons of difficulty and drought but as we learn to trust in God, our souls continue to be watered with faith (which, by the way, pleases God - Hebrews 11:6.)

 “Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.”

Pretty self explanatory wouldn’t you say? Trust in Him. You’ll be set when the heat comes in your life. You’ll always be green having life, looking like you have life. Fruit bearing at all times. 

One of the most difficult things to do in this present period of time (the me, myself, and I generation) is to relinquish our control to someone else and depend totally on that person to lead and guide us. Trust is found in our unswerving belief that the God of Heaven will indeed work on our behalf to bring His perfect will for our lives into being. 

Far too often in life we become completely focused on the trials and difficulties of life and we lose our focus on Christ. When Peter walked on the water with Jesus he was doing well until he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at the waves. 

The same is true of us today. God can get us through the most impossible situations but we must keep our focus and trust on Him. How can we ever expect to find help and healing when we are still focused on our difficulties and not our deliverer? 

The Word of God let’s us know that we need to trust Him. Here are four reasons (“C’s”) why we should trust him.

He’s Conscious- This means He’s aware. The word of God says in (Matt 6:8) that our Heavenly Father knows what things we have need of even before we ask Him. Isn’t it good to know that we have a God that is omniscient or all knowing? That’s the first reason why you should trust Him, because He already knows everything about you.

He’s Concerned- (1 Peter 5:7) says cast, which means to throw, your cares, anxieties and worries on Him because He cares about you. Yes He cares about you! Whatever concerns you concerns Him. So whenever you’re faced with problems, situations and obstacles that seem insurmountable just throw them on Him, He can handle them.

He’s Consistent- This means He’s faithful and you can also count on Him and trust Him to do exactly what He say’s He will do every single time, even if others let you down and or found to be unreliable God will never let you down, you can always rely on Him. (I Cor 1:9) say’s that God is faithful. So even we are unfaithful to God, God remains faithful to us.

He’s Capable- (Eph 3:20) says that God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that we could ask or think according to the power that He works in us. This would suggest to us that nothing is too hard for God. Even if He chooses not to grant our request, He’s still capable of supplying our every need. 

When a person surrenders everything, places everything they know, love, and trust on the line and at the mercy of God. When a person willingly trusts God with their very life – not trying to control it in any way themselves. Then God marvels at and rewards their faith. The kind of faith that can move mountains. The kind of faith that is able to move through a storm or a drought or any disaster that might come your way.

A fitting poem by A.B. Simpson: 

Once my hands were always trying; Trying hard to do my best; Now my heart is sweetly trusting, And my soul is all at rest. Once my brain was always planning, And my heart, with cares oppressed; Now I trust the Lord to lead me, And my life is all at rest. Once my life was full of effort, Now ’tis full of joy and zest; Since I took His yoke upon me, Jesus gives to me His rest. 

May I challenge you today to take the ‘trust test?”  Are you trusting God like you really should?  Are your roots deep enough to pull you through any disaster that might come your way?  Are you planted where God wants you?  Are you being watered by the Word?  

May God challenge all our hearts today to simply just trust in Jesus and He will take care of the rest.

Friday, November 6, 2015


““The coming of the Son of Man can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. When he left home, he gave each of his slaves instructions about the work they were to do, and he told the gatekeeper to watch for his return. You, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know when the master of the household will return—in the evening, at midnight, before dawn, or at daybreak. Don’t let him find you sleeping when he arrives without warning. I say to you what I say to everyone: Watch for him!”” Mark‬ ‭13:34-37‬ ‭NLT‬‬

One of my favorite TV shows as a child was Magnum P.I. One of the main characters of the show was Jonathan Higgins. He was the "majordomo" of Robin Master's estate. A majordomo is a person who speaks, makes arrangements, takes charge and/or acts on behalf of someone else. Robin Master's was a very wealthy man who owned several estates. In his absence (which was all the time) Higgins was entrusted with the day to day operations of the estate. He was so faithful to his job that it became suspected that he was actually Robin Masters. Everything was always in tip top shape in case the estate owner were to return unannounced. 

That is the picture that Jesus paints here in Mark 13. God expects us to be faithful stewards. 

1 Corinthians 4:2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 

The Greek term “steward” describes a household manager in the ancient Greek world who handled the finances and the estate on behalf of the estate owner. Stewards are held accountable for how they use finances or material possessions of he owner.

One day we will stand before Christ at The Judgment Seat and give an account for how we manage our time, talents and treasures in this life. 

For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.” 2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Lord has entrusted us to represent Him to a lost and dying world.  

2 Corinthians 5:20 says “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ…”

He has given us everything we need in order to successfully work for Him. But are you successful in your work for the Lord? Are you a faithful steward?

There is an old hymn that we sing called "We'll work till Jesus comes".. and we should! But can you honestly say the words "I will work until Jesus comes?" Do you really believe that He is coming? He promised us when He went away that HE WOULD RETURN? And here in these verses He tells us to WATCH and BE READY!! But are you really working till Jesus comes or are you just doing what you want to do and living your life for yourself? 

I hear people say that they are not qualified to work for God.  If that is the case - consider these Biblical characters...
~ Noah was a drunk
~ Abraham was too old
~ Isaac was a daydreamer
~ Jacob was a liar
~ Joseph was abused
~ Moses had a stuttering problem (Moses stuttered)
~ Gideon was afraid
~ Samson was a womanizer
~ Rahab was a prostitute
~ Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
~ David was an adulterer and a murderer
~ Elijah was suicidal
~ Jonah ran from God
~ Naomi was a widow
~ Job went bankrupt
~ John the Baptist ate bugs
~ Peter denied Christ
~ The disciples fell asleep while praying
~ Martha worried about everything
~ The Samaritan woman was divorced (more than once)
~ Zacchaeus was too short
~ Paul was too religious
~ Timothy had an ulcer
~ Lazarus was dead! 

So... what is your excuse? You may say I can't... but in through Christ, YOU CAN!! 

Martin Luther said we should "Live as if Christ died yesterday, rose this morning and is coming back tomorrow" 

Let us come to a place in our lives where we can say if we knew Jesus was coming back at midnight we wouldn't have to change a single thing that we had planned for today! 

Three times in these 4 verses Jesus says WATCH. This word "watch" literally means to stay awake. We are not to work for a while and watch for a while. We are to watch while we work! We are to be vigilant in our service to the Lord. Everything we have belongs to the Lord. He has entrusted us with the task of "managing" or being good "stewards" of all that is at our disposal. 

There are 3 things we must give to the Lord right now while we are on earth - 1- Our time, 2- Our talent, and 3- Our treasure.

One day, whether as a result of the Rapture of you leaving this walk of life by way of the grave you will stand before Jesus. At that Judgment Seat of Christ He will be Master and you will be Steward. You will give an account of your stewardship. 

Would you like to hear your Master say these words to you... "Well done thou good and faithful servant." 

If you long to hear those words, then you must be on guard and work diligently til Jesus comes again.