This is a story of an incomplete victory. God had commanded them..."When you come into the land, you're to utterly drive out the inhabitants thereof. You're not to make any covenant of peace with them. You're not to dwell together and try to coexist with them in peaceful terms."
It is also the story of many of our lives. We get a little taste of freedom or we experience some minor victories and then we give up and fail to push through for total victory.
I know for myself (and I probably speak for many of you) - that has been the case many times over. Our lives would all be so different had we just made the extra effort to do what God has laid out before us and not give in.
We must not "stop" or "give in" ever. We cannot make peace treaties with "sin" (the different cities) rather than to eradicate them as God commanded them to do.
I see so many Christians start off well only to cave in when things get a little difficulty.
Mickey Rooney once said - "You always pass failure on your way to success." That is so true. There will be failure along the way but don't give up.
Until we understand and fully surrender to Christ - we cannot or will not be able to secure a full victory.
In one of his meetings, D.L. Moody was explaining to his audience the truth that we cannot bring about spiritual changes in our lives by our own strength. He demonstrated the principal like this: “Tell me,” he said to his audience, “how can I get the air out of the tumbler I have in my hand?” One man said, “Suck it out with a pump.” But Moody replied, “That would create a vacuum and shatter it.” Finally after many suggestions, he picked up a pitcher and quietly filled the glass with water. “There,” he said, “all the air is now removed.” He then explained that victory for the child of God does not come by working hard to eliminate sinful habits, but rather by allowing Christ to take full possession.
The only way that we are going to experience "full" and "complete" victories is to empty ourselves of ourselves and then to allow Christ to fill us up with Him. Without Him I have failed and will continue to fail.
I like what Hebrews 12:1-3 says...
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV)
We must "press on" with "endurance" in this race that is before us.
I'm always amazed at the endurance athletes go through to win a race. I once read a story about American Gail Devers won the 100-meter dash by only 6/100 of a second over her four top competitors in 1992.
The back story is this: Gail suffers from Grave’s disease. Just one year before she won the Olympic gold, Gail came within two days of having both feet amputated. After surviving that scare, she began to train and push herself toward her goal. Her determination and persistence won the day. Who would have thought the fastest woman in the world was the same woman who almost lost her feet.
She did not give up or give in - she pressed through for the complete victory.
It the same for you and I - that we must "endure to the end" and allow Christ to fill us us with Him that our strength is not in ourselves but totally dependent on Him who died for each of us. Press in for your victory is just around the corner!