Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.” (Exodus 4:12 NLT) This is an interesting statement to a person who was insecure and had a stuttering problem. It was a statement from a God who wanted to reassure a man - Moses, that it wouldn't be about his personal abilities and strengths but about the power and abilities of God. It is a statement to all of us that no matter what limitations and what disabilities that we might have - God is more than able to go with and be with us no matter what the situation that is before us. Be encouraged today in that God wired you the way you are and that all your shortcomings are covered by the blessings and promises of God. Imagine your Heavenly Father putting His hand on your shoulder as you go out the door today and saying, "Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and will instruct you in what to say." That is a promise you can bank on today. Have A Great Day!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


PRAISE UPON MY LIPS “Judah, your brothers will praise you. You will grasp your enemies by the neck. All your relatives will bow before you. (Genesis 49:8 NLT) We are taught throughout the scriptures about the power of praise to God in our lives. Our natural tendency is to go negative and and to become most critical. And, we forget to be a person of praise until we are reminded by the scriptures or are exhorted at church to be a person of praise. it is interesting to trace the lineage of Jesus in the Bible - that it goes back to the tribe of Judah, whose name means "praise." When Judah's father, Jacob, was about to die he came to his son Judah and reminded him that his name meant praise and that his hand would grasp his enemies by the neck. I think that there are some spiritual lessons for us here also - that, we would maintain a high level of praise always for the God and the blessings that He has brought into our lives. It is then, and only then that we will be lifted up above our circumstances and to sense and feel the presence of God. It is then that our hands would be upon our enemies neck declaring our victory. People say, "Well, do I need to praise God for all the bad stuff around me?" That's a good question and the answer is no. However, I should though be able to praise God "in" whatever situation I find myself. It might not be for those circumstances but "in" those circumstances. I would pray today that you would put yourself out there and just begin to praise God throughout your day. Thank God for what He's done for you and what He's dong in your life - YOUR STORY. Thank Him for His UPPER STORY in your life and that He sees and knows the bigger picture. Praise the Lord.Praise the Lord, you his servants; praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. (Psalm 113:1-3 NIV)

Monday, January 28, 2013


Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.” (John 14:21 NLT) I have walked on this earth for 59 years and have seen many ebbs and flows in the Christian realm. I have seen great revivals and I have seen the church in decline. I have seen leaders rise and sadly, I've seen many leaders fall into disgrace over their chosen sin and rebellion. But honestly, I don't think I've seen such a hunger for God like we're seeing right now - especially in young people. There is a passion and desire to connect with God at a much deeper level than ever before. People are hungry for the presence of God in a new and fresh way. The book of John exhorts us that as we walk in obedience to Him - that God would "reveal" Himself to us - that He would make Himself known to us. Yesterday, we finished a 21 day fast which for many of you was a time of denying yourself and allowing God to speak and reveal Himself to you. And, I believe, God is not going to let you down. I believe with all my heart that as you go about your day and week there will be "God moments" that you will sense and feel and know that God is directing and leading your life. It might not have happened during the fast but it will come when you need it. God will honor your obedience and will show up in your time of need. Recently, we were all exhorted to come to God with the "BIG ASK." I am praying today that you would now come to God boldly and ASK Him to touch your life in a fresh and new way. It's a new season that is upon us and as the Latin phrase from the poem of Horace says, "Carp Diem" - Seize the day - I pray that would be your goal and aim also for your life.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Then the man said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking!” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” (Genesis 32:26 NLT) Jacob, before entering into a different phase of his life found himself in a wrestling match with God one night. We've all had those times of struggle - where God confronts us about our attitudes, our lifestyles, our words, our integrity, our holiness and many other things. For Jacob, it was his deceptive spirit and his pride. In this story, "the man" or "God" was finished wrestling with Jacob but Jacob wouldn't let Him go until he received a blessing from God Himself. Yes, I'm sure that that many attitudes and sins had been dealt with in the night but I'm also sure that there was one last thing that Jacob needed more than anything else - he needed the blessing of God upon his life. He was willing to hold on and wrestle more until that blessing was given. I wonder how many times we end up quitting before the blessing is given in our lives. I wonder how many times we give up before the answer finally comes. Jacob held on until the blessing came and so should we. Many of us have been on a 21 day fast and the blessing have been many. We are almost to the end. Don't give up. Don't quit. There are more blessings right around the corner. Contend for them. Wait for them. God will come through for - just watch and see!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning... (Job 42:12 NLT) When darkness is in your life and all hope is gone - remember Job. He lost everything - his family - his wealth - as he was under a barrage of attacks from Satan. His friends consoled him miserably and even Job was so hopeless that he wanted to die. The key for Job was two words: 1- Forgiveness - the Bible says that when he prayed for his friends who had wronged him, that God restored his fortunes, and 2 - Repentance - Job finally admitted to God that he knew nothing and was going to trust God for wherever God would lead him. It was after doing both these things that God restored his fortunes and even blessed him more than he had previously. If you are having a difficult time today, go to God and seek His favor on your life and ask God to remove all bitterness and unforgiveness. Pray for those who hurt you and know that God will release untold places of wealth in the places of barrenness and hopelessness. Corrie Ten Boom once said to me, "Let go and let God." i think those are good words to live by today.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” (Genesis 4:7 NLT) From the very beginning of time - sin has been an issue! We were not made like robots that just did what our master tells us to do but we were made with a free will that we might have the opportunity to choose what we do for our lives. No one would ever be forced to serve God - we would do it because we love Him and want to please Him. None of us can ever let our guard down because as this scripture says - "sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you." It will either be your master or you will master it - it's your choice. As we start this new year - make a choice to follow God with all your heart and with all your soul. Make the decision to be the master over sin in your life. Two entities are waiting at your door today - God and Satan. They are both waiting for your nod of approval. Both will have an impact on your life and both have eternal consequences. Choose like Joshua in the Bible "As for me and my house - we will serve The Lord." That is your choice today - make a good decision.