John 19:1-3 (NLT) Then Pilate had Jesus flogged with a lead-tipped whip. The soldiers wove a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and they put a purple robe on him. “Hail! King of the Jews!” they mocked, as they slapped him across the face.
I was immediately struck by this passage this morning – Christmas Eve 2010. “Pilate had Jesus flogged with a lead-tipped whip.” Some have referred to this whip as a cat of nine tails. Out of curiosity – I looked this up on the internet to get more information of what it was. Basically… It was a whip that Jesus encountered before the he got crucified. It was called cat of nine tails because there were 9 strands and on the end of those nine strands were bits a pieces of metal or bone. These were placed there so it would dig into the skin and ripping it. Jesus got whipped 39 times. 39 x 9... do the math. It was designed to dig into the skin and rip it as it was pulled. I can imagine that it was a very painful experience. This hardly seems like the message that one would be writing about on Christmas Eve but I think it’s important to because it is the reason why He came in the first place – to suffer and die for our sins. We must remember what He did for us lest we forget the intense suffering He endured for each and every one of us. It’s a wonderful thing to think about Jesus as a baby but the reality is that He spent His life with one purpose in mind – to eventually die upon the cross as an atonement for our sins. As you celebrate His birth today – stop and ponder what His birth ultimately meant for you. Lift your heart in thanks and give Him praise today because He loved you enough to ultimately die for you.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Jesus Chose Me First!
John 15:16 (NLT) You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name.
Most of us remember what it was like to play teams as kids for a number of different games which we’re always a lot of fun. It could have been for football, baseball or throwing grass bombs at each other. The list could go on and on. Two captains would be chosen who would then pick the teams. Unfortunately, I always hated that unless I was the captain because I dreaded being chosen last. As a Christian though – it is just the opposite because Jesus chose me first. Let those words sink in – Jesus chose me first! Before the foundations of the earth – JESUS CHOSE ME! He knew ahead of time that I would choose Him so He chose me first. Here’s the fact: You and I are special to God. We are His kids and we are loved by Him. I am chosen by God and I am appointed by Him and called into ministry by Him. I have purpose today. I have a leader who is leading me and a mission to accomplish. I’m not His step child or someone He has to put up with. I am His today! I am approved by Him and I a son in whom He is well pleased. His hand is upon me and He is watching over me to help and protect me. I can come to Him with anything that is on my heart and in my thoughts because He wants to bless His kids – me! As my father – He wants to give me good things today and all I need to do is ask – using the name of Jesus. I feel blessed. I feel special today. I am a child of the King!
Most of us remember what it was like to play teams as kids for a number of different games which we’re always a lot of fun. It could have been for football, baseball or throwing grass bombs at each other. The list could go on and on. Two captains would be chosen who would then pick the teams. Unfortunately, I always hated that unless I was the captain because I dreaded being chosen last. As a Christian though – it is just the opposite because Jesus chose me first. Let those words sink in – Jesus chose me first! Before the foundations of the earth – JESUS CHOSE ME! He knew ahead of time that I would choose Him so He chose me first. Here’s the fact: You and I are special to God. We are His kids and we are loved by Him. I am chosen by God and I am appointed by Him and called into ministry by Him. I have purpose today. I have a leader who is leading me and a mission to accomplish. I’m not His step child or someone He has to put up with. I am His today! I am approved by Him and I a son in whom He is well pleased. His hand is upon me and He is watching over me to help and protect me. I can come to Him with anything that is on my heart and in my thoughts because He wants to bless His kids – me! As my father – He wants to give me good things today and all I need to do is ask – using the name of Jesus. I feel blessed. I feel special today. I am a child of the King!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
How To Live A Blessed Life
John 13:14-17 (NLT) And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them.
Last week I had the privilege to be amongst some 50 or 60 volunteers from the church who were serving those less fortunate than others. Our church provided groceries for approximately 200 families from the High Desert area – as we do every month. As people went through the line – I tried to reach out and hug and bless every person that walked by. I tried to give them a word of encouragement or to offer them a prayer for their situations. As I was doing that – one lady came up to me with tears in her eyes and said that she wanted to give me something. I opened it up and saw that it was a card of thanks expressing what a blessing the church has been to her and her husband every month. She was filled with tears and so was I. What a blessing. What a joy. Two times over the last week – different people gave me an envelope filled with money to be given anonymously to different families in the church. Overwhelming. As I passed the money on to the people in need – tears of great joy we’re seen on their faces. Priceless. Jesus, teaching his disciples about serving took a towel and began to wash their feet as they entered the house. He tells them, as well as to us – if you do this, then you will blessed. Jesus teaches us in other passages that if we take care of the orphans, prisoners and the poor – that we will receive back many times more. I’m a blessed man – many times over. I can’t count the multitude of blessings that have come my way. God has healed me and restored me and has shown great favor on my life and on my family. I serve one of the most awesome churches in the world. I am excited about life and all that God has in store for me. But, as I ponder these things – I can’t forget the mandate that God has given to all of us – to love and to serve those less fortunate than us and always be a servant and blessing to others. I must be like Jesus with one knee to the ground and a towel in my hand bending over to wash the feet of others around me. If I do those things – I will continue to walk in His blessing in my life.
Last week I had the privilege to be amongst some 50 or 60 volunteers from the church who were serving those less fortunate than others. Our church provided groceries for approximately 200 families from the High Desert area – as we do every month. As people went through the line – I tried to reach out and hug and bless every person that walked by. I tried to give them a word of encouragement or to offer them a prayer for their situations. As I was doing that – one lady came up to me with tears in her eyes and said that she wanted to give me something. I opened it up and saw that it was a card of thanks expressing what a blessing the church has been to her and her husband every month. She was filled with tears and so was I. What a blessing. What a joy. Two times over the last week – different people gave me an envelope filled with money to be given anonymously to different families in the church. Overwhelming. As I passed the money on to the people in need – tears of great joy we’re seen on their faces. Priceless. Jesus, teaching his disciples about serving took a towel and began to wash their feet as they entered the house. He tells them, as well as to us – if you do this, then you will blessed. Jesus teaches us in other passages that if we take care of the orphans, prisoners and the poor – that we will receive back many times more. I’m a blessed man – many times over. I can’t count the multitude of blessings that have come my way. God has healed me and restored me and has shown great favor on my life and on my family. I serve one of the most awesome churches in the world. I am excited about life and all that God has in store for me. But, as I ponder these things – I can’t forget the mandate that God has given to all of us – to love and to serve those less fortunate than us and always be a servant and blessing to others. I must be like Jesus with one knee to the ground and a towel in my hand bending over to wash the feet of others around me. If I do those things – I will continue to walk in His blessing in my life.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
It's Going To Be A Good Day!
John 10:27 (NLT) My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
I've had the privilege of going to Israel twice in my lifetime. Both times proved to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. As I read the Bible now – the pages just come to life as I envision the places where each story was lived out 2000 years ago. As I read this mornings scripture reading – I was taken back to the first time I went to Bethlehem. I was fortunate enough to watch 3 or 4 shepherds bringing their flocks to a water hole that was designated for their sheep. There was a covering over the well and each of the shepherds helped to pull the covering off and then began to drop a bucket into the well to bring up and pour in troughs alongside the well. The sheep we're all mixed together by this time with multitude of “baa's” coming from all of them. As their thirst was satisfied I began to wonder how the shepherds would be able to separate his sheep when they would leave the watering hole. What I thought was going to be a difficult process turned into a very simple and easy process. The shepherd simply walked away and each shepherd had a specific whistle or call and the sheep immediately began to follow their perspective owners. They recognized his voice when he called. It made me wonder about my own life and how I respond to my shepherds call upon my life. Do I hear His voice when He calls? More importantly, do I follow His leading when He asks me to do something? I woke up around 2:45 AM this morning. I was a little restless. After tossing and turning for a little bit – I finally stopped and asked my Heavenly Father if He was trying to speak to me. He was. I spent the next hour or so just talking to Him about my life, my family and about many of you who are reading this today. Eventually, I slipped into a deep sleep for about ½ hour or so. Very refreshing. Today, my life is filled with many appointments and places to be. I am also speaking to a group of professionals who have asked me to come and direct them in a prayer for their lives and business. I don't plan to do any of those things without the help of my shepherd today. He is guiding me as I write this today and He will be guiding me throughout this day. My life is totally in His hands. I am very dependent on Him to get me to the water on time and for Him to fill the thirsting of my soul. I look forward today to how my shepherd is going to lead me and how He is going to minister to and through me. It's going to be a good day!
I've had the privilege of going to Israel twice in my lifetime. Both times proved to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. As I read the Bible now – the pages just come to life as I envision the places where each story was lived out 2000 years ago. As I read this mornings scripture reading – I was taken back to the first time I went to Bethlehem. I was fortunate enough to watch 3 or 4 shepherds bringing their flocks to a water hole that was designated for their sheep. There was a covering over the well and each of the shepherds helped to pull the covering off and then began to drop a bucket into the well to bring up and pour in troughs alongside the well. The sheep we're all mixed together by this time with multitude of “baa's” coming from all of them. As their thirst was satisfied I began to wonder how the shepherds would be able to separate his sheep when they would leave the watering hole. What I thought was going to be a difficult process turned into a very simple and easy process. The shepherd simply walked away and each shepherd had a specific whistle or call and the sheep immediately began to follow their perspective owners. They recognized his voice when he called. It made me wonder about my own life and how I respond to my shepherds call upon my life. Do I hear His voice when He calls? More importantly, do I follow His leading when He asks me to do something? I woke up around 2:45 AM this morning. I was a little restless. After tossing and turning for a little bit – I finally stopped and asked my Heavenly Father if He was trying to speak to me. He was. I spent the next hour or so just talking to Him about my life, my family and about many of you who are reading this today. Eventually, I slipped into a deep sleep for about ½ hour or so. Very refreshing. Today, my life is filled with many appointments and places to be. I am also speaking to a group of professionals who have asked me to come and direct them in a prayer for their lives and business. I don't plan to do any of those things without the help of my shepherd today. He is guiding me as I write this today and He will be guiding me throughout this day. My life is totally in His hands. I am very dependent on Him to get me to the water on time and for Him to fill the thirsting of my soul. I look forward today to how my shepherd is going to lead me and how He is going to minister to and through me. It's going to be a good day!
Monday, December 20, 2010
John 8:12 (NLT) Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”
Something to think about: The speed of light is generally rounded down to 186,000 miles per second. That is equal to 186, 287.49 miles per second. It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth. Every second around 100 lightning bolts strike the Earth. Every year lightning kills 1000 people. Red, green and blue are the primary colors of light. Mixing them in various ways will make all other colors, including white. Light is a form of energy which our sense of sight can detect. It is made of electro-magnetic radiation and travels in a straight path. I could go on and on but here’s the point – Jesus states that He is the true “light of the world.” John 1:4-5 states that His light shines in such a way that darkness can never put it out. To be honest, at times when I look around – darkness seems to be winning. If I take at face value what I see – it seems that darkness is spreading and becoming more entrenched. People are becoming more evil and more and more people are living in the darkness of this world. But then, when I remind myself of the words of Jesus and the lives that I’ve seen changed – I KNOW that darkness is in a losing battle. I get to see change in people’s lives from darkness to light all the time. I get to see lives, formerly in the pit of darkness, now move into the light of God’s Word. I like what Romans 5:20 says… “But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant.” Satan would have you believe that He is winning but He is not. There are limits to what he can do and limits to how long he will prevail. Jesus won – period. Darkness will not prevail. Keep your eyes on Christ and stay close to Him on a daily basis. His light will lead you through every dark place that seems to be coming your way. He is our light and He is the one that leads us to light. Trust Him today.
Something to think about: The speed of light is generally rounded down to 186,000 miles per second. That is equal to 186, 287.49 miles per second. It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth. Every second around 100 lightning bolts strike the Earth. Every year lightning kills 1000 people. Red, green and blue are the primary colors of light. Mixing them in various ways will make all other colors, including white. Light is a form of energy which our sense of sight can detect. It is made of electro-magnetic radiation and travels in a straight path. I could go on and on but here’s the point – Jesus states that He is the true “light of the world.” John 1:4-5 states that His light shines in such a way that darkness can never put it out. To be honest, at times when I look around – darkness seems to be winning. If I take at face value what I see – it seems that darkness is spreading and becoming more entrenched. People are becoming more evil and more and more people are living in the darkness of this world. But then, when I remind myself of the words of Jesus and the lives that I’ve seen changed – I KNOW that darkness is in a losing battle. I get to see change in people’s lives from darkness to light all the time. I get to see lives, formerly in the pit of darkness, now move into the light of God’s Word. I like what Romans 5:20 says… “But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant.” Satan would have you believe that He is winning but He is not. There are limits to what he can do and limits to how long he will prevail. Jesus won – period. Darkness will not prevail. Keep your eyes on Christ and stay close to Him on a daily basis. His light will lead you through every dark place that seems to be coming your way. He is our light and He is the one that leads us to light. Trust Him today.
Friday, December 17, 2010
While You Are Waiting
2 Peter 3:13-14 (NLT) But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness. And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in his sight.
I did a funeral this last week of a 94 year old woman who was a Christian. To be honest – I was kind of envious of her. I can just imagine what it was like for her to slip from this world to that glorious place in heaven. But the reality is this – I still live here on earth and I still have to go to work and make a life for myself in this day by day life. However, I get to choose how I live my life and how I serve my God. Some people choose to live in isolation – away from being connected with people. Others like myself, choose to live life to the fullest and to engage and help people along the way. That is not always a clean process. It is sometimes messy and awkward. It has its ups and it has it downs. There are people I get along with really well and there are people… well you know. Peter helps us with this dilemma by encouraging us to do some things while we’re waiting for our appointment in heaven. He tells us to make EVERY effort to be found living peaceful lives and to be pure and blameless in God’s sight. For Peter to even mention this to us indicates that we could choose to live another way. I have tried to live my life and to be at peace with all men. I have tried to live a pure and blameless life. I know I have made many mistakes and failed miserably along the way. Yet, I have chosen to keep moving forward – to keep hoping for better things – to keep believing that I can change and that others can also. I think the key here is that I will make every effort. I will do the very best that I can. God, in His providence will always see me through and will always bring His best in my life if I am faithful to do what He has asked me to do. I haven’t arrived and I have a long way to go but I am looking forward to all that God has in store for my life and I know it is good because I serve a good God today.
I did a funeral this last week of a 94 year old woman who was a Christian. To be honest – I was kind of envious of her. I can just imagine what it was like for her to slip from this world to that glorious place in heaven. But the reality is this – I still live here on earth and I still have to go to work and make a life for myself in this day by day life. However, I get to choose how I live my life and how I serve my God. Some people choose to live in isolation – away from being connected with people. Others like myself, choose to live life to the fullest and to engage and help people along the way. That is not always a clean process. It is sometimes messy and awkward. It has its ups and it has it downs. There are people I get along with really well and there are people… well you know. Peter helps us with this dilemma by encouraging us to do some things while we’re waiting for our appointment in heaven. He tells us to make EVERY effort to be found living peaceful lives and to be pure and blameless in God’s sight. For Peter to even mention this to us indicates that we could choose to live another way. I have tried to live my life and to be at peace with all men. I have tried to live a pure and blameless life. I know I have made many mistakes and failed miserably along the way. Yet, I have chosen to keep moving forward – to keep hoping for better things – to keep believing that I can change and that others can also. I think the key here is that I will make every effort. I will do the very best that I can. God, in His providence will always see me through and will always bring His best in my life if I am faithful to do what He has asked me to do. I haven’t arrived and I have a long way to go but I am looking forward to all that God has in store for my life and I know it is good because I serve a good God today.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
God Will Never Fail You!
1 Peter 4:19 (NLT) So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you.
One of the harder parts of pastoring is to have to deal with the suffering situations that people go through. Sometimes, it seems, that there is no rhyme or reason and that some people just step from one boiling pot to the other. I’ve always prayed for compassion and understanding in dealing with people and their needs. And… I think, for the most part, that God has been very gracious in helping me to help others. But it wasn’t until I faced my own place of desperate need that I began to really relate to those who are in difficult places in their lives. I can look at those who have lost a loved one and say, “I’ve been there. I understand.” I can stand by those who are in recovery situations and are dealing with addictions and say, “I relate because God has brought recovery to my life.” I can stand at a hospital bed with someone who is deathly sick and tell them “I’ve been there also.” But more than that – I can look every person in the eye and say that “no matter what they’re going through” -it is not lost to God’s sight. He sees every circumstance and situation that I’ve faced or that you are facing today. He knows. He understands. And… He is very compassionate. He is our creator and He has the blueprint for our lives at His disposal. He knows everything about me and He knows everything about you. I’ve often heard other people say, “God will never fail you.” I believed that but it is not until you live that principle out in your life that you really begin to trust those words. I’m 56 years old now – soon to be 57. I’ve seen a lot in my life and in the lives of others that are around me. However… I can honestly say with full confidence today that GOD HAS NEVER LET ME DOWN – Never! So… as you go through that trial and that hardship today – just know there’s light at the end of this tunnel and you will get through this and God will be glorified. Trust Him fully today.
One of the harder parts of pastoring is to have to deal with the suffering situations that people go through. Sometimes, it seems, that there is no rhyme or reason and that some people just step from one boiling pot to the other. I’ve always prayed for compassion and understanding in dealing with people and their needs. And… I think, for the most part, that God has been very gracious in helping me to help others. But it wasn’t until I faced my own place of desperate need that I began to really relate to those who are in difficult places in their lives. I can look at those who have lost a loved one and say, “I’ve been there. I understand.” I can stand by those who are in recovery situations and are dealing with addictions and say, “I relate because God has brought recovery to my life.” I can stand at a hospital bed with someone who is deathly sick and tell them “I’ve been there also.” But more than that – I can look every person in the eye and say that “no matter what they’re going through” -it is not lost to God’s sight. He sees every circumstance and situation that I’ve faced or that you are facing today. He knows. He understands. And… He is very compassionate. He is our creator and He has the blueprint for our lives at His disposal. He knows everything about me and He knows everything about you. I’ve often heard other people say, “God will never fail you.” I believed that but it is not until you live that principle out in your life that you really begin to trust those words. I’m 56 years old now – soon to be 57. I’ve seen a lot in my life and in the lives of others that are around me. However… I can honestly say with full confidence today that GOD HAS NEVER LET ME DOWN – Never! So… as you go through that trial and that hardship today – just know there’s light at the end of this tunnel and you will get through this and God will be glorified. Trust Him fully today.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
How Can I Be Satisfied And Happy Today?
Hebrews 13:5 (NLT) Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”
I made the mistake the other day of going into Toys R Us. It wasn’t my plan or desire to do so but because my wife was under the weather I volunteered to go into the battle zone. There’s only one word I have to describe that environment – craziness! Even before I got in the door I met a woman coming out with a look of dismay saying, “I just didn’t get there in time.” Now mind you, I hadn’t even got into the store. With much trepidation – I pressed forward only to be met with lines everywhere. People we’re rushing and grabbing the toy that they had picked out for their child or grandchild or any other kids that might have been on their list. Fortunately, I found out that one of my daughter’s was there to hunt down some toys for one of her boys. With cell phone in hand I called her and told her about my mission. She immediately zeroed in on the desired toy and took it out of commission so that no other desperate adult would get their hands on it. Adults we’re everywhere. Kids we’re everywhere. Everyone wanted the latest, greatest toy that was out there. I can’t tell you how many times I heard, “Mom, can I have this?” Or… “Dad I want/need this toy.” Showing their frustrations, moms and dads would voice their protest even though they knew that they would soon be asked about another toy just around the next counter.
The writer of Hebrews helps us out here by simply saying, “Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have.” The question becomes then – How can we learn to be satisfied with what we have? It is so imperative that learn how to live with less rather than desiring more. We must learn the joys of giving from our abundance rather than stockpiling and accumulating more. We must relish what we have rather than resent what you're missing. We only become fully satisfied when we realize God's sufficiency for our needs. Christians who become materialistic are saying by their actions that God can't take care of them—or at least that he won't take care of them the way they want. Insecurity can lead to the love of money, whether we are rich or poor. The only antidote is to trust God to meet all our needs – all of them. Yes… this world is little crazy and the Christmas Season catches up with all of us every year – but, it doesn’t have to be. You can stop the craziness going on in your life. Don’t forget God’s promise to you today – I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”
I made the mistake the other day of going into Toys R Us. It wasn’t my plan or desire to do so but because my wife was under the weather I volunteered to go into the battle zone. There’s only one word I have to describe that environment – craziness! Even before I got in the door I met a woman coming out with a look of dismay saying, “I just didn’t get there in time.” Now mind you, I hadn’t even got into the store. With much trepidation – I pressed forward only to be met with lines everywhere. People we’re rushing and grabbing the toy that they had picked out for their child or grandchild or any other kids that might have been on their list. Fortunately, I found out that one of my daughter’s was there to hunt down some toys for one of her boys. With cell phone in hand I called her and told her about my mission. She immediately zeroed in on the desired toy and took it out of commission so that no other desperate adult would get their hands on it. Adults we’re everywhere. Kids we’re everywhere. Everyone wanted the latest, greatest toy that was out there. I can’t tell you how many times I heard, “Mom, can I have this?” Or… “Dad I want/need this toy.” Showing their frustrations, moms and dads would voice their protest even though they knew that they would soon be asked about another toy just around the next counter.
The writer of Hebrews helps us out here by simply saying, “Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have.” The question becomes then – How can we learn to be satisfied with what we have? It is so imperative that learn how to live with less rather than desiring more. We must learn the joys of giving from our abundance rather than stockpiling and accumulating more. We must relish what we have rather than resent what you're missing. We only become fully satisfied when we realize God's sufficiency for our needs. Christians who become materialistic are saying by their actions that God can't take care of them—or at least that he won't take care of them the way they want. Insecurity can lead to the love of money, whether we are rich or poor. The only antidote is to trust God to meet all our needs – all of them. Yes… this world is little crazy and the Christmas Season catches up with all of us every year – but, it doesn’t have to be. You can stop the craziness going on in your life. Don’t forget God’s promise to you today – I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”
Monday, December 13, 2010
Don't Give Up!
Hebrews 10:35-36 (NLT) So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
The believers that this passage was written to we’re facing some enormous trials and persecutions in their lives. Slowly their confidence was being eroded away to where many of them probably felt like quitting. Paul, sensing this encourages them to not give up and to hang in there. He tells them that now is not the time to lose their confidence – victory is just around the corner! They just need a little patience and endurance and then they will receive all that God has promised them! I think most of us relate to this. There are times when you just feel like giving up and throwing in the towel. You are being hammered by life’s circumstances. You have stumbled and fallen and have failed over and over again. You are tired. You wonder if the effort is worth it. Paul speaks into your ear like I’m speaking to you right now – Don’t quit – you are almost to the goal line. As I write this, I am reminded of going to track and field events in High School. The runners would race around the track trying to win their heat. It wouldn’t be unusual for a coach to be standing or running along the track yelling and encouraging his team to “dig in” and to “not give up.” It was the motivation that pushed the runners forward to give all that they could give. God Almighty is whispering in your ear today. “Don’t throw away your confidence. Hang in there. You are almost there. The prize is so worth the struggle and the pain.”
The believers that this passage was written to we’re facing some enormous trials and persecutions in their lives. Slowly their confidence was being eroded away to where many of them probably felt like quitting. Paul, sensing this encourages them to not give up and to hang in there. He tells them that now is not the time to lose their confidence – victory is just around the corner! They just need a little patience and endurance and then they will receive all that God has promised them! I think most of us relate to this. There are times when you just feel like giving up and throwing in the towel. You are being hammered by life’s circumstances. You have stumbled and fallen and have failed over and over again. You are tired. You wonder if the effort is worth it. Paul speaks into your ear like I’m speaking to you right now – Don’t quit – you are almost to the goal line. As I write this, I am reminded of going to track and field events in High School. The runners would race around the track trying to win their heat. It wouldn’t be unusual for a coach to be standing or running along the track yelling and encouraging his team to “dig in” and to “not give up.” It was the motivation that pushed the runners forward to give all that they could give. God Almighty is whispering in your ear today. “Don’t throw away your confidence. Hang in there. You are almost there. The prize is so worth the struggle and the pain.”
Thursday, December 9, 2010
What Defines My Life
1 Timothy 6:6-8 (NLT) Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.
Much of my time in counseling with others is spent in dealing with how people are coping and navigating through these economic times we are now experiencing. People are losing their jobs, their homes and other things that they once we’re able to afford. It’s so sad to see people you love having to deal with such major decisions in their life – losing what took a lifetime to obtain. It’s interesting, as we sit and talk - I watch the roller coaster of emotions come and go –shock/ anger/ guilt/ depression/ acceptance and eventually hope. Then… It’s like a light that suddenly comes on in their mind that there is something they can’t lose – their soul and their hope. Possessions are… well, exactly that – possessions. They are not what define a person or his life. My life is defined by my belief in God and His Son Jesus Christ. I can lose a lot of things in this life but still have my hope in God and His promises. Paul exhorts us in this passage to discover what true wealth is – to walk in godliness and live with contentment. I read one time where a lady had died and wanted to be buried in her red Mercedes car. She must have thought she could take it with her into the afterlife. Paul tells us that we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing with us – that we just need to learn to content here on earth. My prayer for you today is that you would discover true contentment and trust God to take care of you in whatever situation you are in today.
Much of my time in counseling with others is spent in dealing with how people are coping and navigating through these economic times we are now experiencing. People are losing their jobs, their homes and other things that they once we’re able to afford. It’s so sad to see people you love having to deal with such major decisions in their life – losing what took a lifetime to obtain. It’s interesting, as we sit and talk - I watch the roller coaster of emotions come and go –shock/ anger/ guilt/ depression/ acceptance and eventually hope. Then… It’s like a light that suddenly comes on in their mind that there is something they can’t lose – their soul and their hope. Possessions are… well, exactly that – possessions. They are not what define a person or his life. My life is defined by my belief in God and His Son Jesus Christ. I can lose a lot of things in this life but still have my hope in God and His promises. Paul exhorts us in this passage to discover what true wealth is – to walk in godliness and live with contentment. I read one time where a lady had died and wanted to be buried in her red Mercedes car. She must have thought she could take it with her into the afterlife. Paul tells us that we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing with us – that we just need to learn to content here on earth. My prayer for you today is that you would discover true contentment and trust God to take care of you in whatever situation you are in today.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Wealthiest Place In The High Desert
1 Timothy 4:14-15 (MSG) And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—keep that dusted off and in use. Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. The people will all see you mature right before their eyes!
Every day I drive to work I drive by the wealthiest place in the High Desert. You didn’t know that we have such an area? Well we do. In fact – there are about 4 or 5 places that have some hidden treasures worth more than money could pay. Still don’t know? The answer is really quite simple – it is our local cemeteries. They hold the unfilled dreams and visions of hundreds of thousands of people who never fulfilled them on earth and eventually took them to their grave. These we’re dreams of a better life, a successful career, better health, etc. Some of them people had ideas in them that they never acted upon. Had they moved forward on them – they would have been millionaires in their lifetimes. Paul encourages us to dust off our gift and keep in use. Don’t let your tools go dull. Keep using the gift that God has given you. Cultivate it. Immerse yourself in it. Become an expert at what you do. Let people see how you’ve matured in that gift and how God is using you in that regard. Don’t let excuses rule this part of your life – “I’m too old.” “I’m too busy.” “I’m too tired.” There will always be excuses if you let them rule your thoughts. It’s interesting in life: There are some things that I do and it wears me out. Those things obviously are not my part of my God gifting. However, when I’m doing what I’m called to do – I have energy and strength. I have motivation. It’s at times like that when I feel alive and close to God. Let me encourage you today to pray about what it is that you are called to do in life. When you discover that gift – go for it. Learn about it. Prepare yourself to be an expert in it. Find a place to use it. I like what John Piper says – “God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.” That should be the goal of every person today. When you do God’s will for your life you be glorifying God in your midst and you as well as people around you will be blest as well.
Every day I drive to work I drive by the wealthiest place in the High Desert. You didn’t know that we have such an area? Well we do. In fact – there are about 4 or 5 places that have some hidden treasures worth more than money could pay. Still don’t know? The answer is really quite simple – it is our local cemeteries. They hold the unfilled dreams and visions of hundreds of thousands of people who never fulfilled them on earth and eventually took them to their grave. These we’re dreams of a better life, a successful career, better health, etc. Some of them people had ideas in them that they never acted upon. Had they moved forward on them – they would have been millionaires in their lifetimes. Paul encourages us to dust off our gift and keep in use. Don’t let your tools go dull. Keep using the gift that God has given you. Cultivate it. Immerse yourself in it. Become an expert at what you do. Let people see how you’ve matured in that gift and how God is using you in that regard. Don’t let excuses rule this part of your life – “I’m too old.” “I’m too busy.” “I’m too tired.” There will always be excuses if you let them rule your thoughts. It’s interesting in life: There are some things that I do and it wears me out. Those things obviously are not my part of my God gifting. However, when I’m doing what I’m called to do – I have energy and strength. I have motivation. It’s at times like that when I feel alive and close to God. Let me encourage you today to pray about what it is that you are called to do in life. When you discover that gift – go for it. Learn about it. Prepare yourself to be an expert in it. Find a place to use it. I like what John Piper says – “God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him.” That should be the goal of every person today. When you do God’s will for your life you be glorifying God in your midst and you as well as people around you will be blest as well.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Qualified By God
Colossians 1:9-12 (NIV) For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
I am always blessed by someone who lets me know that they’ve been praying for me. I never get tired of hearing those words from friends and family. What’s even more of a blessing is when someone teljavascript:void(0)ls me that they are praying for something specific that I have been praying for privately to the Lord. It reminds me that God has heard my prayers again. Paul, in Colossians says that he never stops praying for them – even though he had never been to their church. Their relationship to Christ is all that was needed to tie them eternally together. He specifically prays: 1- that God would fill them with the knowledge of his will with spiritual wisdom and understanding. 2- That they may life a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way. 3- That they would bear fruit in every good work. 4- That they would grow in the knowledge of God. 5- That they would be strengthened with power to His glorious might. 6- That they would have great endurance and patience. 7- That they would give joyfully give thanks to the Father. These are all good prayers but the next phrase really caught my attention “giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.” Other translations use the word “enabled.” When I think about the word qualify I think about a track meet where there is qualification races. The top racers from each heat would go on to the next race until a winner was found. I’m not a runner. God never gave me the long legs needed to run races. As I pictured this in my mind – I was racing with the very best and barely making it around the track when Jesus came along and picked me up and carried me to the finish line and qualified me for the next race. Humorous perhaps, but real on a lot of different levels. There’s no way that I would ever to be run that type of race or the Christian race without the help of Christ. He is what I need. Enough said. The trials and difficulties I have gone through have all been part of the qualifying process to help me run the race well. I am so blessed to be His child today and I am so blessed for people’s prayers for me on a daily basis. I’m growing deeper and running stronger then ever because of Christ who lives in me who has qualified and enabled me today.
I am always blessed by someone who lets me know that they’ve been praying for me. I never get tired of hearing those words from friends and family. What’s even more of a blessing is when someone teljavascript:void(0)ls me that they are praying for something specific that I have been praying for privately to the Lord. It reminds me that God has heard my prayers again. Paul, in Colossians says that he never stops praying for them – even though he had never been to their church. Their relationship to Christ is all that was needed to tie them eternally together. He specifically prays: 1- that God would fill them with the knowledge of his will with spiritual wisdom and understanding. 2- That they may life a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way. 3- That they would bear fruit in every good work. 4- That they would grow in the knowledge of God. 5- That they would be strengthened with power to His glorious might. 6- That they would have great endurance and patience. 7- That they would give joyfully give thanks to the Father. These are all good prayers but the next phrase really caught my attention “giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.” Other translations use the word “enabled.” When I think about the word qualify I think about a track meet where there is qualification races. The top racers from each heat would go on to the next race until a winner was found. I’m not a runner. God never gave me the long legs needed to run races. As I pictured this in my mind – I was racing with the very best and barely making it around the track when Jesus came along and picked me up and carried me to the finish line and qualified me for the next race. Humorous perhaps, but real on a lot of different levels. There’s no way that I would ever to be run that type of race or the Christian race without the help of Christ. He is what I need. Enough said. The trials and difficulties I have gone through have all been part of the qualifying process to help me run the race well. I am so blessed to be His child today and I am so blessed for people’s prayers for me on a daily basis. I’m growing deeper and running stronger then ever because of Christ who lives in me who has qualified and enabled me today.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Selective Forgetfulness
Philippians 3:12-14 (NLT) I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
Sadly, it seems that one of the lessons I have to keep revisiting in my Christian walk is the lesson of forgetfulness. I know and have memorized this scripture out of Philippians that I need to move forward and forget the past but there seems to be something built into my system that keeps bringing up the past wounds and hurts. I try to turn that switch off but the voice keeps messing with my head reminding me that I have a long way to go. Past events, conversations and memories are then kept at the forefront of my thoughts making it nearly impossible to move forward with my walk of faith. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are things that I absolutely can forget about. When put into a difficult or stressful situation – I tend to forget about God’s goodness and faithfulness in the past. I am like the people of Israel who had been given and had seen so many miracles, but when put into a hard place they wondered if God was even with them. We are all fine - as long as we don’t have any problems facing us or stressful decisions to make. But when that bill is due and that confrontation is eminent we tend to forget that God has always been there and that He promised that He would never leave nor forsake us. Actually, if the truth be known, God, knowing that our faith sometimes goes flat and that we tend to trust in ourselves more than we do in Him – He then gives us trials and difficulties to bring us back to that place of fully trusting Him. The process of forgetting the past and moving forward is a difficult and long journey that seems to sometimes go backwards rather than forward. I am constantly challenged as to whether I’m going to fully trust God or I’m going to lapse back into my old way of thinking. Thankfully, God so loves me that He also forgets some things in my life – like my past sins and my past failures. In fact, he tells me that He will put those sins in the “Sea Of Forgetfulness” and will remember them no more. I guess God has selective forgetfulness also. He chooses to not remember who I was but chooses to focus on who I am and most importantly who I am becoming. Knowing this, I now press forward for the mark that is before me. I trust God that He is going to lead and guide me to the goal that is set before me and the prize that awaits me. What a wonderful journey this has been. I am so looking forward to what God has in store for me today.
Sadly, it seems that one of the lessons I have to keep revisiting in my Christian walk is the lesson of forgetfulness. I know and have memorized this scripture out of Philippians that I need to move forward and forget the past but there seems to be something built into my system that keeps bringing up the past wounds and hurts. I try to turn that switch off but the voice keeps messing with my head reminding me that I have a long way to go. Past events, conversations and memories are then kept at the forefront of my thoughts making it nearly impossible to move forward with my walk of faith. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are things that I absolutely can forget about. When put into a difficult or stressful situation – I tend to forget about God’s goodness and faithfulness in the past. I am like the people of Israel who had been given and had seen so many miracles, but when put into a hard place they wondered if God was even with them. We are all fine - as long as we don’t have any problems facing us or stressful decisions to make. But when that bill is due and that confrontation is eminent we tend to forget that God has always been there and that He promised that He would never leave nor forsake us. Actually, if the truth be known, God, knowing that our faith sometimes goes flat and that we tend to trust in ourselves more than we do in Him – He then gives us trials and difficulties to bring us back to that place of fully trusting Him. The process of forgetting the past and moving forward is a difficult and long journey that seems to sometimes go backwards rather than forward. I am constantly challenged as to whether I’m going to fully trust God or I’m going to lapse back into my old way of thinking. Thankfully, God so loves me that He also forgets some things in my life – like my past sins and my past failures. In fact, he tells me that He will put those sins in the “Sea Of Forgetfulness” and will remember them no more. I guess God has selective forgetfulness also. He chooses to not remember who I was but chooses to focus on who I am and most importantly who I am becoming. Knowing this, I now press forward for the mark that is before me. I trust God that He is going to lead and guide me to the goal that is set before me and the prize that awaits me. What a wonderful journey this has been. I am so looking forward to what God has in store for me today.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Process Of Transformation
Romans 5:3-4 (NLT) We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.
As a young boy, I lived in an area where butterflies we're in great abundance. Every spring we would take our makeshift butterfly nets outside and catch butterflies of all different colors and species. I was always fascinated by the beauty and the variety of butterflies that we're out there. It may be hard to believe that a beautiful creature like a butterfly was once an ugly, worm like creature like a caterpillar, but this is exactly how the colorful, graceful butterfly’s life cycle works. There are four stages in a butterfly’s life. The process of going from one stage to another is called metamorphosis. The first stage begins when the female lays her eggs, usually on a plant which will provide food. Soon, a caterpillar, called a larva, begins to form inside each egg. After a few days, or a few months-depending on the variety of butterfly, the caterpillar is large enough to break out of the shell and continue growing outside. It begins by eating its shell, then goes on to eat the leaves of the plant on which its egg was laid. The full-grown caterpillar gives off a thin stream of liquid from glands below its mouth. This liquid hardens into a silky thread which the caterpillar attaches to a twig or leaf. With this thread it spins a shell-like covering around its body. Inside the shell, the caterpillar changes into a pupa, or the body of a butterfly. This stage can take from ten days to several months. When the pupa has grown into an adult butterfly, it gives off a fluid which softens the shell. Then it expands its body and cracks the shell. Within half an hour, the butterfly has pumped air into its body, its blood begins to circulate, and it is ready to fly away. It's interesting, that this passage of Romans also talks about the “Metamorphis” that each of us will go through in our Christian walk. We are always changing, growing and becoming what God wants us to become. Our natural tendency is to stay in the same place and be content with that but God wants us to move forward in our Christian growth. The problem is this: it won't happen unless we are prodded a little bit. God allows hardships, trials and difficulties to help us through the process of transformation. I remember as a kid watching a caterpillar struggle to get out of its cocoon . I wanted to help the process move faster and opened up the cocoon which only caused the butterfly to eventually die. It needed the struggle to build up its muscles and wings. We can't short circuit God's plan for our lives. We must trust that God knows better what is best for us and stay the course. The struggle teaches us endurance and character. It makes us strong for those stormy parts of life. It gives us a hope that we can make it because we've made it before. God is not a fool and He knows exactly what is best for you and I. Trust Him today to see you completely through and make you to be the man and/or woman that God wants you to be!
As a young boy, I lived in an area where butterflies we're in great abundance. Every spring we would take our makeshift butterfly nets outside and catch butterflies of all different colors and species. I was always fascinated by the beauty and the variety of butterflies that we're out there. It may be hard to believe that a beautiful creature like a butterfly was once an ugly, worm like creature like a caterpillar, but this is exactly how the colorful, graceful butterfly’s life cycle works. There are four stages in a butterfly’s life. The process of going from one stage to another is called metamorphosis. The first stage begins when the female lays her eggs, usually on a plant which will provide food. Soon, a caterpillar, called a larva, begins to form inside each egg. After a few days, or a few months-depending on the variety of butterfly, the caterpillar is large enough to break out of the shell and continue growing outside. It begins by eating its shell, then goes on to eat the leaves of the plant on which its egg was laid. The full-grown caterpillar gives off a thin stream of liquid from glands below its mouth. This liquid hardens into a silky thread which the caterpillar attaches to a twig or leaf. With this thread it spins a shell-like covering around its body. Inside the shell, the caterpillar changes into a pupa, or the body of a butterfly. This stage can take from ten days to several months. When the pupa has grown into an adult butterfly, it gives off a fluid which softens the shell. Then it expands its body and cracks the shell. Within half an hour, the butterfly has pumped air into its body, its blood begins to circulate, and it is ready to fly away. It's interesting, that this passage of Romans also talks about the “Metamorphis” that each of us will go through in our Christian walk. We are always changing, growing and becoming what God wants us to become. Our natural tendency is to stay in the same place and be content with that but God wants us to move forward in our Christian growth. The problem is this: it won't happen unless we are prodded a little bit. God allows hardships, trials and difficulties to help us through the process of transformation. I remember as a kid watching a caterpillar struggle to get out of its cocoon . I wanted to help the process move faster and opened up the cocoon which only caused the butterfly to eventually die. It needed the struggle to build up its muscles and wings. We can't short circuit God's plan for our lives. We must trust that God knows better what is best for us and stay the course. The struggle teaches us endurance and character. It makes us strong for those stormy parts of life. It gives us a hope that we can make it because we've made it before. God is not a fool and He knows exactly what is best for you and I. Trust Him today to see you completely through and make you to be the man and/or woman that God wants you to be!
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